Fatherly Fail Part 5

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Ian waved at Danielle as he watched them drove off from the studio.

Don't worry, Ian. It'll be really quick, then we'll see each other again! For now, you go have fun with Melanie.. Danielle though to herself.

"So, Danielle, I guess you've heard of our little cute baby?" Kalel said from the front passenger's seat.

"Haha, Buki?" She replied.

"Yup, you'll be meeting her later!" Kalel said as she noticed how nervous Anthony was.

"Well, I hope she doesn't bite."

"Not much.." Kalel patted Anthony's lap for comfort.


"Finally here!" Anthony sighed in relief.

"Haha, that was unusually long." Kalel remarks.

Anthony opens the door and Buki was already waiting for them.

"You're not scared of cats, are you?" He wondered.

"I love 'em!" Danielle pets Buki gently, making the feline sleepy.

"You sure know how to handle them." He watched closely at them..

"She's more adorable in person!" Danielle flashed a satisfying smile.

"By the looks of it, Buki already likes you." Kalel said as she came in.

Kalel sits down with the girl and Buki then scratches the cat's belly.

Anthony smiled at the fact that Danielle is now a happy teenager that she should be, but, what could have possibly have happened to her brother?

"Babe, I just need to call Ian, check out if he's okay."

"Sure, no problem, We'll be here.."


"Hey, Ian. . What's up with you?"

"Oh, not much.. Melanie's joining me for dinner. Hey, umm . . Is Danielle alright?"

"Yep, having fun with lil' Buks. Don't worry, she's safe with us too, man."

"You. . Promise me that she'll be fine with you lovebirds." Ian seems to be paranoid without Danielle.

"Yeah yeah . . Say Hi to Melanie for us."

"No prob."

And they both hang up.

Why is Ian acting so wimpy all of a sudden without her? He better get used to this.

Standing outside in front of their house, police cars sirens were heard, and from afar, a white dirty old van were coming to their street.

"What the hell?"

"Anthony?! Get inside!!" Danielle whispered at him.

"It's weird to see a chase around here!" Anthony said running into their house.

"That's because that white van is one of the bad guys'.." Danielle said softly.


"Kalel?" Anthony called

"Here!" She replied peeking out of the door.

"Good. . " Anthony's chest lightened up hearing Kalel.

"Danielle . . Whatelse do you know?" He added.

"The one thing I remember why my brother told me not to call or go to the hospital or police is that he overheard that one or two of the people in there works for Greg."

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