Fatherly Fail Part 34

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"Gunshots mean bad news, man." Ian grasped his seat making Anthony annoyed.

"Dude, you've been shot in the shoulder, a teenager kidnapped you, and you went running around in an area where dicks exchanged bullets. And you're giving me this shitty scared side of yourself. Seriously."

"I'm tired of bleeding, bro! TIRED."

"Then do this for your 'daughter'." Anthony rolled his eyes.

Ian shifts his head at Anthony and gives him an awkward face.

"Then help me get your 'niece'."


Jason sneaks around the chaos and watches cautiously on Francis.

They've been shooting each other forever! It seems to be an intense battle.

Finally making his way through. He looks around behind trees to see if he can find his sister.

He then spots Danielle but with a little shock.

"What's wrong with you? C'mon! Let's scram." He pulls his hand down to her but she looked like she've seen a ghost.

"Hey. What?!" Jason irritatedly looks down at her.

"I.. I got bad news." She shakily said.

Her brother kneels down and checks her face. Shaking her head, Danielle showed her arm and it was covered and oozing with blood. Jason froze.

His sister knows that he's always been afraid that this might happen, and it did.

"H-how did this-?"

"I-I just felt it earlier then when I checked it out it was like this." She tried to explain.

He couldn't see under the dark shadows right, but he knew Danielle wasn't in a good shape.

Before he could carry her, something sticked to the back of his head.

"Don't move."


Danielle trembled, she didn't know why. She wasn't scared, wasn't afraid. But she feels like someone's pushing her stomach and she was getting weaker. Looking up, Francis was pointing his gun to her brother's head.

"Don't move."

"Man, just let him go. If I die, the old man'll kill you." Danielle said under her breath.

"What do you mean di-" Francis was cut off by Jason.

"She's bleeding, you dumbass!"

Pounding his head with a gun, Jason falls flat to the ground.

"Toni! I need help. Get the first-aid!"

They didn't realize they've killed the rangers. The men were now hiding the bodies and Francis must have caught the siblings.

Toni comes with a flashlight and brought the first aid. He secretly glances at Danielle and immediately pitied her. He carries her up.

"I'll get her to the van, Sir."

Francis nods and looks back at Jason.

"You didn't do good this time."

Toni whispered feeling the blood drip down.

"I know. Gosh it hurts."

The man chuckled and sat her down to the van to take care of her little problem.


"It stopped." Anthony wondered.

"I guess we gotta go in." Before Ian jumped out of the car, his bestfriend pulls him back. again.

Smosh: Fatherly FailOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant