Fatherly Fail Part 13

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Anthony gets backs where they left off Danielle and Greg..

The girl lands flat and slides in front of him as Greg throws her away from him.

"O-ouch. ." The girl gives out a quiet whine as a tear streams down her face.

"Hey! You okay, Dan-"

Anthony grabs her away before Greg could stomp one of them.


The Demon continues failing to hit either of them with his fists..

Until he saw his gun lying just across the hall.

Anthony lays Danielle on to a wall and notices Greg eye-ing for the gun.

With quick thoughts, they both raced for the firearm.

Actually, Anthony got a hold of it first when Greg tackled him.

"Stop trying to save her, you fool!"

Anthony had weak arms, and now a man is strangling him and he's totally helpless!

Almost losing consciousness, he managed to switch places and he was now on top of the gangster, trying his best to keep him down.

It was getting noisier where the chaos was, the cops must've arrived.

Anthony giving out all his best, didn't notice Greg's hand reaching for the gun. His fingers crept and crept until he could feel the trigger.

Slowly trying to make his hands on its way up to Anthony's face, He then tries hard to avoid the damn nose from his cheek while strangling the man.

Danielle suddenly shoots up and sees the two men.

She quickly kicks Greg's head and pushes the gun away from his reach.

Greg was still struggling.. And a lot furious this time.

"Y-YOU'LL D-DIE SLOW-WLY, BRAT!" He chokes out.

Anthony's arms and hands were getting tired, Is this person even human?!

The monster punches Anthony and tramples him to a wall, getting him knocked out and pained.

The girl was beyond scared, or even beyond terrified as he looks straight to her fearful eyes.

Danielle still tries to act as brave as she could, but her trembling didn't help at all.


Some voices echoed, the police are coming.. But would they get there in time?

Danielle moved back as the man walked slowly closer to her.

"You do not know how long I've waited for this day.." He gives a very disturbing and horrifying grin.

*You don't know how much I wished this day WOULDN'T come* the girl whimpered and swallowed hard.

What could she do? There's a ridiculously large man with a gun in his hand, SNAIL-like cops, and a guy asleep on the slippery floor! And there she was! Facing death all on her own!

She then thought:

Yup, this is it. . This IS totally it. . I'm going to die. . I AM FRIGGIN' GOING TO DIE. . I can't run, I can't fight back, I CAN'T DO ANY FREAKING THING. . You know what, God? Please, oh please, take care of. . My brother, Francis, My family, my friends, The other guys, Buki, Kalel, and. . ( She takes a quick glance at Anthony and smiles..)

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