Fatherly Fail Part 19

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Anthony gets in the room just as they were talking about what could've happened if they weren't, let's say . . ambushed.

"Hey, you're awake!" Anthony smiles.

"Yeah. . And I kind of feel better." She replied.

"Thank you, Danielle, so much. How are you, so far?" He gives her a hug as she did back.

"My side hurts a little bit, but I think it 's okay."

"Gurl did you get us so damn worried back there.." He makes a gay voice.

"I'm sorry about that.. Whatever I said." She replied.

"Hey, its fine. You were down so its alright.. Except Ian wants to talk to you."

"She doesn't remember that." Jason gnarls on his nails.

"What?" Anthony asked as Danielle just leans back.

"She can't remember anything that happened at that time, she does remember falling down on the grass but not the time she was rushed here. All she can think of was running towards you and before all that. She has no memory of what you or Bowl Head or she said when she was shot to the ground." For a mean boy, Jason was attentive to the doctors and very clever.

"How come they didn't tell that to us?" Anthony wondered.

"Hehe, they thought it wasn't necessary since I've already listened to them." He laughed.

"Well, I'm still thanking you." He rubs her head.

Ian was the next one to come in holding a water bottle that was half-empty.

"Yeah! She's up! How are you doing?" Ian cheerfully cuddles her up.

"Hey, you're probably hurting her back, man!" Anthony warns him.

Danielle shakes her head and just smiles.

Anthony was happy to see the both of them together once more.

"My sister is more excited with you than she is with me, damn you." Jason slouches in his seat.

After asking how their girlfriends were and their other friends, Danielle starts on some other kinds of simple questions.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"11:54pm, why?" Anthony answered after glancing at his phone.

"When did I, err.. we get here?" The girl added.

"I think it was around 4 or 5pm." Ian said.

"So I've been out for.. 7 or 8 hours huh?" She chuckled at the three of them.

"Sheesh, Danielle, you've slept longer than that every Summer." Jason adds.


Meanwhile, in an old abandoned warehouse a little far from them.

"I guess I must have spoke too soon about you, Francis." An old and sickly looking fellow wheezed his words out.

"I'm sorry, Sir." He looks down to his feet.

"But it was a simple mistake, I know what kind of child you are dealing with. Only, remember this Francisco, if you shoot her again, whether it was on purpose or not.. I will kill you. I have to be the one to shoot her brains out, and NO ONE ELSE. ." He coughs dryly, sneezes and moans after.

"Yes, Sir." He lifts his head a little higher to show SOME respect.

"Now. . You all get rest and enjoy for now, let them heal for a little while. Once they are up again, we will start the real game." He stands up and goes to a room slowly.

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