Fatherly Fail Part 36

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Francis' stomach cramped as one of his best men collapsed. He fell down to his knees and anger just filled him up.

Danielle drops too and whispered something to the man.

He saw Toni smile and a tear streamed down from his face as she continued to whisper to his ear.

Ganarito smiled at the both of them and laughed evilly..


Ian tried to cut the old man's laughter by shooting at him, but he was too slow.  

Ganarito blasts his gun off his hands and points the pistol to the girl's head from afar.

"It's the six of us! Aaahh.. Just like before." The old man shouts.

Francis and Jason notices Toni squeeze Danielle's hands.

"Good to see you again, douche ball.." Jason replied.

Danielle looks at Ganarito and raises an eyebrow at him. Giving her a confused look, he asks..

"Are you guilty once again, young snitch?"

Anthony tried to reach out for the girl but Francis aims at him.

"No. . I'm not. ."

He sees her chuckle and look straight to his eyes.

"Because check mate."

Ganarito looks down to his feet and an unpinned grenade was just in front of him.

"We can die together if that's what it takes to kill you, you sick ba-"

It explodes before Danielle could finish. It was a suicidal idea, they were surrounded by bombs and it goes out just as the one blows up.

Ian, Anthony, Jason, and Francis takes cover and protected their heads with their wounded arms.

Woods, metals, and trees blew up and it was so damn loud. Soon, it all stopped.


Despite all the suffocating dust and messed-up place, Jason runs up to the middle and finds Danielle on the same place as she was, coughing.

He didn't look alright himself. Splinters on his legs and deep cuts all over his body.

"You alright, nut-head?" He pats the ash from her hair.

"H-he's gone." She coughed staring down at Toni's emotionless face.

"I didn't even said my thanks." He frowns.

"Don't wo-"

They suddenly hear Ian's cry after a loud gunshot.

Jason dashes to the sound and finds Ian's neck around Ganarito's arms with his caliber sticking unto his skull.

Anthony comes in behind Jason and grabs his head.

The Big Boss looked horrifying. Skin peeled off of his legs, his whole left arm was burnt, and the right of his face was bleeding.

"I've wasted my time too much, Jason! Tell me if I should shoot his brains out first or yours." The old guy trembled.

Ian was just trying his best to breath and struggling to loosen the old timer's grip.

The blood sticking on his skin was really grossing him out.

Opening his mouth, Danielle runs in and throws a prickly thick stick and hits Ganarito's head.

Ian stumbles to them and old man slaps his hands to his head in pain.

"That's for Toni, old man!" She grunts.

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