Fatherly Fail Part 28

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"Home sweet home once again."

Ian crashes down on his sofa as Jason, Danielle, and Anthony comes in. Nothing has change since they left, well, for a day.

Everything was where as is. Danielle sits beside Ian, who was facing down.

Jason sat across them, and Anthony goes straight to the bathroom. It was around 6pm when they arrived the house.

"Today's Wednesday, right?" The girl leans on Ian's legs.

"Yep." Her brother answers putting his feet up.

"Wednesday.. Anthony and I need to record tomorrow at Smosh Games." Ian rubs his face with his hands.

"Smosh Games?" Jason repeats in confusion.

"It's their channel." His sister smiles.

"Pfah! I don't know about these stuff!"

"But you know about Ryan Higa."

"That was BEFORE you became a Youtube addict, dimwit."


Ian laid down on his bed, as the siblings watched T.V. outside. He didn't feel drowsy or anything. He felt restless but exhausted. The fact that Ganarito could probably be still alive boggled his mind. Could he still be?

Francis, on the other hand, he thought of him as a little dog being pushed by the old guy. A dog that wants to end his misery as soon as possible. His thoughts were interrupted when Anthony went inside his room.

"Hey, man. I gotta go back to Kalel, she's really pissed off at me."

"You tell me, you've been missing for a day! I'm surprised your phone survived! Anyways, take care on your way back, man."

"Yeah, and. . Take care of these two, alright?"

"Yeah yeah, wait. . You're not taking them?!"

"What? You want me to?"

"NO! Just scram, bro! Haha, See you tomorrow!"

Anthony smiles and leaves.

Ian closes his eyes trying to get some sleep, but no. He couldn't. Ian listened in utter silence until he hears the sibling's conversations. He felt kind of guilty eavesdropping on them.

"Do you miss Manila?" Danielle's voice cleared up.

"You?" Her brother replied.

"I'm asking you!"

"Ugh. . Alright! A little bit."


"What's up with the down-y act?!" His voice sounded like laughing with a mix of scolding.

"Down-y act my butt! I'm just curious."

"Tone down, chipwatt! You'd wake up Bowl Head."

"He has a name, Jason. THEY have names."

Ian smiled and softly laughed by just listening to these two. They sound like they don't get along, but the way they are bonded is so awesome! The way they tease each other, how they talk, and how they childishly argue. Their conversation ends when..

"We better sleep." Missy suggested.

"Yeah. . we should. So where do you snooze?"

"I don't actually know!"

"Hah! Better sleep with me, I feel like I need some company tonight."

The T.V. turned off and everything was quiet, Ian could hear whispering and snickering. Oh what would it be like when the two leaves? Unknowingly, Ian dozes off.

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