Fatherly Fail Part 25

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They hear a running engine getting louder and louder, Ian stops in front of them riding on a functioning 90's dirt bike.

"I can only get Danielle in, problemos amigos?" He pats the girl's head.

"I'm cool with that." Jason crosses his arms and frequently looks at Ganarito who's going to wake up any time soon.

"Fine." Anthony grouches.

"C'mon Anthony! The road's not too far! You can do this shiz!" Ian drives away with the girl after Danielle rubs her brother's shoulders for comfort.

"Alright, Emo fart. You're gonna exercise like never before."

"Do we really have to run?"

"If you don't want to die, yeah."

Francis and the others are coming closer and Ganarito was about to open his eyes.

"ALRIGHTLETSGO!" Jason blasts off into the direction where Ian went and Anthony follows.


"I wish I could ground you for a month."

Ian muttered.

"What?" Danielle gives a confused look.

"Don't 'what' me! You know what you did!"

"They WERE going to kill you if we didn't move out."

"I don't care! I've already put my life on the line ever since I started making videos! Especially now, I'm risking my life for an incredibly awesome kid I know."

"Thank you, Pops. For everything. I didn't expect to meet you like this."

"Oh shuz! I'm practically your Dad now." Ian chuckles but then noticed Danielle frown behind him.

"Is that too awkward?" He added.

"Uh no, It's. . Really cool. .actually." She smiles.


"Gawd Jason! Slow down!" Anthony pants.


"Dude, just let me borrow a gun or something!" He whines.

"I got news for you! DON'T HAVE EM'."

They continue to run, but the men seems to get closer.

"Alright, plan B." Jason said.

"What Plan B?!"

The college boy pushes Anthony to another side and he jumps just across from him.

"Hide behind the trees." He whispered and disappeared.

They took a moment for the men to pass by them then pops out from the dark.

Jason looks up at the sky and moans.


"What is it this time?!"

"It's morning."

"What's wrong with that?"

"They can easily find us, dummy. We better move fast."


"What's taking them so long?" Danielle worriedly said looking just beside Ian's car.

"Anthony." Ian rolls his eyes.

"Big Bro must be so annoyed at him by now."

"When did you two learn to survive like that?" Ian asked to pass some time.

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