Fatherly Fail - FINAL

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Ian sprints after the old man, with furious eyes.

As they ran deeper into the dark, he could hear him laugh hysterically.

Ian was so angry. As much as College boy was a dick on him, he knows one thing for sure: Jason trusted him.

"COME HERE YOU SON OF A GUN!!" He cried fiercely. And all he got was a laugh.

He did his best dodging the trees in a pitch black place. But he then trips and falls flat on his stomach. He coughs loudly and pats off the dirt on his shirt as he stood back up.

A few meters away from him, there the old man was. A huge grin stuck to his old wrinkly face.

"And what WOULD you do? What would a weak, fearful wimp like you do to a criminal that all he has done was kill innocent lives everyday for a living? And besides.. I only have ONE special target now."

"You'll have to go through me, you bastard!"

"Maybe, Hecox.. Maybe." He slowly turns around from him.

"I can kill you right now!!" Ian flinches when Ganarito suddenly looks back at him. "With what?" He snickers.

"It's the other way around, Mr. Hecox. I can kill YOU right now. I have a gun, and I have murdered tons of souls. What about you? Those siblings shot down more of my men that you could possibly imagine, but of course you have witnessed that."

In his surprise, the old man blasts his last bullets.. And he drops to the ground.

Ian opens his eyes and he was perfectly fine. "What the t-truck?!" He stammered.

Did the old man missed him? On purpose? Ian then remembers Danielle, Jason, and Anthony.

Without any hesitation, he jogs back to the road.

But before he exits the woods.. Ganarito had one last word:

"You better be ready soon, Hecox."


Ian arrives and his eyes landed on Anthony first.

Anthony was sobbing and notices Ian, he shakes his head and looked away.

Ian Hecox then realizes..

Sad News..


Danielle drops to the side of her brother as her tears gushed down from her cheeks. She looks down and finds where his opened flesh was.

Jason looks down and he unbelievably tears up, seeing her sister like that. He pats her head and cracked a smile.

"Don't cry now, you freak." His sister sobs louder at him, showing that it wasn't going to help.

"That won't change the fact that your shot and you know WE can't do anything much about it now, Jason!" She protested.

He lets out a soft laugh and brushes some tears off her dirty face.

He notices her sister get more scared as she saw her hands were covered of his blood.

"So what? Alright, I-I am dying. But if there's anything YOU could do is to get him. I already did my part as your brother and in this messed-up business, and now you have to do YOURS without me--"

"SHUT UP! Why do you have to leave me! Why do you always have to leave me!! You can't just die, I-I know there's enough time!" Jason then slaps her teasingly to get her act straight.

"You just told me there's nothing YOU guys can do anything much.. And I know that, Dan. I know that.." She cries louder and trembled.

"I just don't want to lose you.."

"Who the hell said that?" He coughs, and she was left speechless.

"I will always be with you, Dan. I won't be a ghost, for sure. I will ALWAYS be right there.." Jason points to her chest.

"Just promise me one thing.." Danielle leans closer..

"You'll.. always be.. strong.. Alright, dimwit?"

His words made Danielle cry even more. He kisses her forehead and looks straight to her eyes.

The girl hugs tight unto her brother, and he embraces back.

By the time, he felt heavy.

Danielle let's go and couldn't see or hear her brother anymore.

He wasn't breathing..


or even talking.

Denying what popped in her head, she shakes her brother lightly. Not responding, she shakes him again.

"No.. NO NO NO NO!! WAKE UP! OPEN YOUR EYES!! THIS IS NOT FUNNY, JASON! STOP IT!" She screamed in pain seeing her beloved brother not moving an inch.

Punching and kicking, someone then grabs her from behind. She cried and shouted for her brother.

Ian sniffs seeing her like this.

"H-hey.. His time's up. I'm sorry, Missy.. I-I'm sorry.." He whispers struggling to keep her still. It sure must hurt having a sibling pass away.

"HE'S NOT, IAN! I KNOW HE ISN'T DEAD! I-I-I KNOW HE'S NOT--" "Danielle, your brother's gone.. " Anthony said as he tried NOT to cry too.

The men watched/listened to the girl cry furiously. Danielle hugs Ian as she continued to sob.

"He's never coming back for me anymore.. He's never.." She fades and sobbed again.

"I-I know, Danielle.. I know."

&&&&&&&SEVERAL WEEKS LATER&&&&&&&&&

A storm was out in a Monday morning.

Ian's phone ringed under his pillow. Half-awake, he reaches for it and answers..

"I-Ian here.."

"Hey, I was just checking you out. How've you been so far?" Anthony answered in the other side.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been alone for a couple of months. Doesn't it feel weird?"

"Danielle's back in Manila, I'm pretty sure she's doing alright. And that means I'M doing alright as well." Ian replied.

His attention turned to his laptop when a Skype Call popped up. From yours truly.

"Anthony, I gotta call you back." "Sure."

Ian jumps off from his bed and quickly clicks to answer. He missed the video call though.

"H-Hey Pops." Hearing Danielle's voice again gave Ian a smile.

"Yo, Missy! What's up?"

"B-Bad News.." The girl sounded very worried. And leaving Ian confused.


"I need to fly back there."

"That's fine with me! But why?"

"He.. He almost killed my Grandparents and baby cousin. He threatened my uncle!"

"Whoah, hold up. Him?"

"Yep, and I guess it's time to meet up.. once again."

And voila! I serve you a sloppy ending.

I didn't sleep. I didn't sleep at all. I got multiple Writer's Block doing this!! Damn you too, brain! Well, I'm sorry if you expected more, but I did tell you that the ending would be.. so-so. All in all, it was a blast doing this. Thanks for all the support.

This book is really special because not that this is my very first book, this is the FIRST book that I have ever finished. I used to make romance and horrors of my own but they were just not successful and I never made one stick to the end.

So thank you. I know I didn't give a great ending to you awesome people (It's because I never really did an ending. EVER.) But Thank you so much because without you guys, I never would've reached the finish line. :) I enjoyed all your reviews saying how excited you guys for next updates and complimenting about them.

I know this would sound corny, but you guys are awesome..

Thanks for dropping by, and wub you.


Hey, guys!

I'm here to announce that I have, indeed, published the damn sequel. The title is: Smosh Fanfic 2 The Return. I haven't been updating it lately but there's a good amount of published parts in there for you to read. I went back here to announce this because some of you kept asking about the second book.

So here, don't ask about it again since I've updated here already.

I don't write as much as I used to, but I still update. Just not often like before.

Mkay bai.

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