Fatherly Fail Part 20

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"Hey, Jason!" Danielle's brother quickly jerks the letter back to his pockets.

"Oh, you need something Bowl Head?"

He asks.

"I just need to take a break from your sister's never ending pounds and to the fact that I really need to go pee pee, you don't mind accompanying your lil' sis, would you?"

"Yeah. . gross. . Just get away from me, man."

Ian skips away and he enters and peeks in to his sister's room.

"Sup?" She greets.

"Hey, Danielle, so.. I went to Francis to pay him a visit. And . . Uh.." He stammers as he lends her the letter.

"He told me you should be the only one to read that."

"And you really really didn't?" She gives him a suspicious look.

"Yes, I really didn't." He casually said.

Danielle opens the letter and reads it for a minute, and she gives a confused face.

"What does it say?" Jason asked.

"Meh . . Just some apologizing stuff." She exhales.

"And do you forgive him?"

"She looks back at the letter, which is pretty unusual. Danielle doesn't doubt or take time to forgive people.

"Does that mean no?" He sits beside her, still holding the paper to her face.

"I-I don't know."

"Well, it's good that you didn't accept that dick's apologies for once." He rubs her head.

"I feel like, yeah, I forgive him. But another is saying, maybe I don't forgive him.." She explains.

"It's okay.."


Soon, Danielle was out of the hospital and the four of them went back to Ian's house.

The girl looks at Ian who was feeling different being back after a while from the hospital.

"Different huh?" She smiled.

"Yup." He holds her hands as they went in after Anthony and Jason did.

Letting go of Ian, she rushes to his room with her brother and bonded together like they did before.

Crashing down the couch with his best friend, Ian stretches and yawns.

"You still taking them?" He asks dropping his arms down.

Anthony gives a loud sigh and nods.

"Ugh. ."

"When can she or they come back here then? How long do I still have to wait?" He added.

"For a while, Ian, for a while"



"Hey Francis!" Aldo calls out.

He looks at his direction making sure he heard him.

"They're back at their home."

"Good to know." He stares distantly having really deep thoughts.

Toni and Jim were inside the warehouse, Vego was outside of the gates, and the both of them are in front of the warehouse. "May I ask what the letter said?"

Francis moves his eyes to him, and folds his arms leaning back.

"I gave her my last apologies and thanks."

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