Part 2

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"Nooo!!" Bakugou screamed, bolting forward, trying to grab Deku's outstretched hand before the portal closed behind him.
He felt himself being jerked backwards and looked up to see All Might holding on to his collar.

"Let me go you bastard!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "I have to get him! I-I can't let them get away. I can't let them take him..." his voice trailed off as the villains retreated and the warp closed.

All Might finally set him down, his arms thoroughly scratched and burned by Bakugou's attempts to get away.
The hero's had only managed to capture a few of the dozens of villains that had attacked.

"It'll be ok young Bakugou."

All Might's smile faltered and he wore a look of shock.

Momo was standing nearby, her hand over her mouth.

"No." She barely whispered, still in shock.

They hadn't taken any civilians, only Deku and attempted to kidnap other hero's as well.

"That's why they were so public!" Tokoyami yelled. "They weren't after civilians! This is all my fault! I should have known better!" He shouted. He'd been injured and was being cared for by medical.

Soon enough police took control and began attempting to sort out the messy aftermath.

Bakugou, Todoroki, Momo, Tokoyami, and their other classmates that had been at the battle were now in the police station. The pro heros that had fought were there as well.

"So you gave everyone in your class a tracker?" The police questioned Momo in a separate room.

She took a deep breath and tried to collect herself.

"Yes, I did. I thought it would be helpful if something like this did happen." She squeezed her eyes shut, holding back tears. Her and Deku had never been close friends, but it was still upsetting to see him in that situation, especially knowing what a caring and sweet person he was. She knew he didn't deserve this.

"I'll have to a create a device that will connect to it and that'll take some time, but as long as he activates it, the signal will bring us right to him." She continued, opening her eyes and looking up at the officer, pushing the intruding thoughts to the back of her mind.

"This is amazing Creati." The police put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile, trying to comfort her.

"Because of you, we'll be able to not only find Deku, but hopefully put an end to the creation of nomu's."

She looked down at her lap and put on a small, sad smile.

"Would you please create that tracker as soon as possible?" The officer asked.

"Of course." She replied, looking back up with a determined expression.

Hours later, after they had collected as much information as possible, the police force called in the top 20 pro heros and devised a plan to rescue Deku.
"Thanks to Ms. Yaoyorozu, we have the means to not only to recover Mr. Midoriya, but to hopefully also shut down nomu production." The chief began as people finished taking their seats.

"We just need to be patient."


After being dragged through the warp Deku found himself in a cold, bright white room.
He squinted his eyes, giving them a second to adjust to the sudden, blinding lighting.
His arms were in immense pain and he couldn't stand on one of his legs.

Of course they're broken. He berated himself in his head.

He'd gained incredible control over one for all in the last two years, but because he'd gone so far over his limit, this was to be expected.

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