Part 17

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Bakugou shut Kirishima's door behind him and was momentarily blinded from the lights of the hallway.
He sighed, glancing down the hall at Uraraka's room.

Damn it, I'm so fucking stupid. Idiot, idiot!

He subconsciously began walking towards her room, even though it was the opposite direction to his.

I'll just peek in, see if he's ok. I swear to god if I ended up hurting him at all.

As he approached her door he felt his anxiety spike.
What if they never let him near Deku after this?! If someone else had done this, he wouldn't even let them within eyeshot of Deku.

Bakugou nervously stuck his head around the door frame and spotted five figures.
His eyes adjusted and he recognized them to be Uraraka, Mina, Todoroki, Iida, and of course Deku.

Damn round face must've texted that half and half bastard and glasses.

Although he'd been careful to be quiet, he didn't account for the shadow he cast into her bedroom from the brightly lit hallway.

God damn it this was a mistake.
He was just about to turn heel and make a beeline for his room when he heard a small voice.

"Bakugou-kun?" Uraraka asked quietly. He groaned, having been caught, and came back to the door.

"What?" He sighed out.

"You can come in, if you want."
Bakugou stood in the doorway for another moment, mulling it over in his head before deciding.

Did they forget what happened??

He spotted Deku from where he was standing and began to make his way over to him.
Todoroki scowled at him from where he was sitting, but at the moment, Bakugou couldn't care less.

"Is he ok?" He asked, his voice heavy with worry and guilt. He kneeled in front of Deku, taking his hands in his own.

"Don't worry, he's ok." Uraraka answered. Bakugou could tell tension was high, everyone on edge.
Ready to grab him and pull him away at a moments notice.

He sighed again, hunched over and head bowed.
"I'm sorry Deku." He whispered, gripping his hands a little tighter.

"Are - are you ok Bakugou?" Mina hesitantly asked.
This took him by surprise

"W-what?" Why were they asking about him? He just shook their already messed up friend and they're concerned about him?
He tore his eyes away from Deku and forced himself to look at the group of his classmates around him.
Surprisingly, it wasn't anger he found on their faces, but rather concern.

"It's just, you wouldn't ever usually do something like that, unprovoked. And especially to Midoriya, anymore that is. And then, you, uh, the crying." She continued nervously.

"I know what fucking happened." He growled quietly, gently letting go of Deku's hands.

"So are you ok?" Uraraka asked. "You can talk to us, if you need-"

"Don't you be worried about me! Damn it!" He stood up so abruptly Iida and Todoroki rushed to protect Deku. This angered him even more.

"Of course I'm fucking ok! I don't need you god damn losers to baby me!" He roared, storming towards the door.

"No no! We don't mean it like that!" Mina rushed over to him!
"Bakugou, we meant no ill will and are not looking down on you. We are only concerned about your mental health and want to help you!" Iida piped up from the corner of the room.

Bakugou knew a bit about trauma, PTSD, flashbacks, depression, the likes. They'd briefly covered it in school during their mental health unit.
Never did he think he'd actually be weak enough to succumb to it anything like it.

"How weak do you think I am?!" He screamed. "Only fucking weak losers have any fucking mental health issues!"

(I don't think anyone who suffers from any type of mental condition are weak. In fact, I believe they are the strongest people out there to battle through their personal demons every day! That's just what I think would be Bakugou's current view on it, idk I just feel like he would think like that!)

"Please, just talk to us!" Mina yelled, jumping in front of him.

"Get the hell out of my way raccoon eyes!" He raged, explosions going off in the palms of his hands.

"It's ok Mina-kun, let him go." Uraraka spoke softly behind them.

She reluctantly stepped aside, allowing Bakugou to leave.
Before storming off, he threw another glance in at Deku.
He almost didn't want to leave anymore. What if something happened after he left? And he couldn't protect him.

That's when he noticed Iida had stood him up and moved him to the furthest corner of the room, away from all the commotion.
They'd protect him. Right?

He felt himself get choked up again. He realized why they'd moved him further was was because of him. He wasn't surprised they thought he'd hurt Deku, but it still hurt.
They were his friends after all, and in their eyes, Bakugou was still just the violent junior high bully.
He'd always taken his anger out on Deku, why would this time be any different?

He turned quickly and ran back to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Damn it! Damn it! Who the hell do they think they are?! They think I'm fucking weak!" He shouted outloud, burying his face in his pillow to hopefully muffle the sound.

"And Kirishima too! Why else would he drag me away like that?! I saw the pity on his face! I don't need their pity! Go to hell! All of you!"

He quickly shut himself up when he heard footsteps outside his door. But they didn't stop at his room, but next to his. Kirishima's room.

He heard rapping on the door and then Kirishima dragging himself out of bed. "Coming. Who is it?"

"It's Mina, can I talk to you?"

He quieted down and pressed his ear up against the wall. Not only was he just a nosy person in general, but he was also positive the something she wanted to talk about was about him.

He heard the door swing open.

"Hey, what's wrong Mina?" Kirishima asked groggily.

"It's about-" she paused, "how thin are these walls?" He barely caught the last part as she quieted her voice to a whisper.

"Uhh, I dunno. Pretty thin I guess. Why?" Kirishima asked, oblivious to the situation.

A few more seconds passed before he heard an "ohh, we can go somewhere else".

Mina must've wrote it down, or did some fucking charades bullshit. He thought angrily.

He heard the door open again and their steps fade down the hall.

Damn it.

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