Part 11

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Bakugou undid his seatbelt and walked around the back of the car to Deku's door. Inko was busy undoing his seatbelt and trying to help him out.
He turned around and looked at the door to the dorms. There was a big banner hanging over the entrance with welcome back! written across it in big letters and the lights inside were shutoff.

They're not going to try and surprise him are they? Fucking idiots. They knew he wasn't be aware of anything. They had also been visiting him in the hospital for the last month after he woke up.

"Hey Katsuki, can you help me out."
He turned around to see Inko struggling to twist Deku around and get his legs out the door.
Aizawa started to walk over, but Bakugou was quicker.
He gently grabbed Deku's waist and twisted his body around to face the door of the car, pulling his legs out so they rested on the ground.

"Ah, thanks." She laughed. He'd lost a lot of weight over the last 7 months, but she just wasn't strong enough to move him on her own.

He slid his hands up from Deku's waist and gripped both his hands, pulling him up into a standing position.

"Hmmm, we haven't tried stairs." Bakugou said, glancing over at the steps leading to the doors.

"Well, he's got to be able to get up and down them if he's going to be living here." Aizawa said, starting towards the dorm.
Bakugou grabbed Deku's hand and led him forward.
They came to the first step. Deku's foot hit the edge of it and as if instinctively, he lifted it up and placed it on the step.

"There you go baby!" Inko shouted happily, wrapping her arms around him.

"He's not there yet." Bakugou said.
He only had one foot up on the first step. Bakugou tugged him forward and Deku placed his other foot on the step above. He seemed to realize they were going up a set of stairs.

"All right!" He said, giving Deku's hand a little squeeze.

They slowly continued up the rest of the stairs and came to the double doors.

"Here we are." Bakugou said to himself under his breath. Aizawa pushed open one of the doors to reveal a dark room.
The three stepped inside and started searching for a light switch. Suddenly the lights flipped on.

"Welcome back!!" The whole of class 1a jumped out. Bakugou saw Deku squint his eyes from the sudden light.
Inko jumped in surprise.

"Oh!" She laughed, calming herself down.

Uraraka ran over and tackled Deku in a big hug.

"Deku-kun I'm so happy you're back!" She squealed. Bakugou was trying to keep Deku from falling over.

"Back off round face!" He shouted.

"Oh sorry." She apologized and stepped back, her cheeks pink from embarrassment.
He looked around to see All Might walking over as well.

"Midoriya my boy! It's nice to see you out of the hospital." He scooped him into a big hug.

"Let us get past the damn door!" Bakugou barked, pulling Deku a little closer to himself.

"Oh, they're just excited to see him." Inko laughed. Bakugou led Deku over to the couch and sat him down, sinking into it next to him.
Uraraka plopped herself down on Deku's other side.

"You must be Midoriya's mother." Todoroki spoke up. "It's nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand for her to shake.

She pulled him into a hug instead.
"Yes I'm his mom, you can all call me Inko though." She smiled at the class.

"There's food in the kitchen." Jirou pointed in the direction of the kitchen. "Bakugou got up really early to help make it with Sato."

"Oh?" Inko said, "I didn't know Katsuki could cook." She looked surprised and smirked at him.
He scoffed and put his arm around Deku.

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