Part 7

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"What the hell?!" Bakugou shouted, throwing the leather journal to the ground. "These fucking psychopaths!"

"Hawks said they were planning on doing the surgery in the next few weeks. That means they probably haven't done it yet." All Might said, reaching down and retrieving the book from the tiled floor.

"Don't just stand there! We've gotta go find him!" Bakugou yelled, his rage and panic boiling over.

"Right! We must find the others first however." The hero replied, tucking the journal away in a pocket on his costume.

"I'm not wasting any time finding those idiots. Go ahead, but I'm searching for Deku on my own." He growled, stomping towards the door and sliding it open. He was met face to face he with Kirishima, bumping into him.

"Hey Bakubro!" He lit up, giving a sharp toothed smile. "I was told to find you and All Might. We need him to open this door. It's super reinforced and-"

"Yeah yeah whatever hair for brains, shut up." Kirishima was cut off. "All Might! They need you!" Bakugou yelled back into the room over his shoulder.
A moment later the hero was behind him.

"Mind moving out of the way?" Bakugou glared in annoyance at Kirishima who was still blocking the door.

"Oh yeah! Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck and went back out the way he came in.

"Idiot." Bakugou mumbled under his breath. He made his way out into the hall to find the group all gathered around another door. It definitely looked different then the others. It was bigger and had triangular metal panels in each corner. And rather than only a keypad for entrance there was also fingerprint and eye scanners, and a slot to swipe a card.

He glanced at the label next to the door, it read recovery. He felt his insides twist with worry. They had checked the other rooms already. That meant there was a high chance he would be in there.

Why couldn't he have been in the prep room or some shit?! He screamed in his head.

"Door won't open? Allow me." All Might said, his smile returning as he walked over to the beaten door.
There was a sizable dent in the center of it where the other heros had attempted to pry it open, to no avail.
All Might grabbed the sides, using the curling up metal as a handhold, and yanked. It let out a horrific screech of metal against metal, but held. He gave it another good tug, and it cracked, snapping off its reinforced hinges and clattering to the floor.

"Thank goodness Hawks was able to disable the alarms." Tsu said, peering at the mechanical insides of the keypad and face recognition.

Bakugou took a step into the room and jumped right back out.

"Shit! It's fucking cold in there!" He shouted, now feeling the cold air seeping out into the warm hallway.

"Come on dude. It's not that bad." Kirishima smiled at him, cutting his search for a light switch short. There was a light on the ceiling, but it was probably controlled by one of the security measures.
"Though you might want to keep Tsu- er- Froppy warm. We don't want her hibernating on us." He glanced over at the green haired girl, noticing she was beginning to look tired.

"Actually, I can keep watch. I'll only be a burden in here." She spoke up, over hearing the conversation.

"Good call Froppy!" Ms. Joke gave her a smile and a thumbs up, showing her approval.

The others were searching the small, dark room. Running their hands up and down the chilled walls, searching for a switch or button, or anything that could be useful.

"Hey, I think I found another door over here!" Mirko shouted, ushering everyone over to where she was standing. "Could I get some light Bakugou?"

"Tch." He created a few small explosions in his hand, lighting up the scene in front of them.

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