Part 34

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Deku was sitting with his knees pulled tightly up to his chest as everything was explained to him.

The door was locked and the blinds were drawn as per requested by Deku. He was terrified the league would find him or even just see him through the window.

As to was Bakugou.

Bakugou was tempted to sit up on the bed next to him and try to comfort him, but he also wanted to give him space.
Deku was obviously very overwhelmed and traumatized.
The best he could think to do was just sit on the right side of the bed so he could see him. Unfortunately Eri's quirk hadn't rewound the damage done to his eye so he was still blind on his left side.

Inko was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Deku's hand.

"So I've be-b-been in a trance for sev-se-seven months?" He questioned, he had an obvious stutter and his voice was small and shaky.

"What did they do to me....." He said quietly.

Bakugou thought back to the journal that explained just about everything that had happened, but thought it would be best not to show it to him. It would probably be better if he didn't know.
He was fighting back tears at this point. He hated seeing how terrified he was.

Deku reached up to where he remembered having his skull cut into, before he'd blacked out. He felt a raised scar over his forehead. He could only assume it was the same on his torso.

He felt tears well in his eyes. This was just all so much for him to take in.
He'd been rescued. But the league did something to him and he'd been in a trance for months?

To him he'd been with the league only hours ago, but to everyone else it had been four months.
He sobbed, hiding his face behind his legs as he cried. He felt someone begin to wrap their arms around him and he jumped, screaming and pushing them away.

He felt even worse when he realized it was his mom and that she'd only been trying to comfort him.

"Oh god! I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry!" He apologized quickly and fearfully.

"Honey honey it's ok." She said as gently as possible, she too on the brink of tears. "I shouldn't have tried to touch you."


Deku stayed in the secure hospital for the rest of the day until it finally came to time to go back to UA.
Deku was still huddled up in the corner of the bed. He wanted to go back to UA, really he did, but at the same time he was terrified to leave even just this room.

What if they know where I am?! What if they take me again?! I can't go through that, not again! He was silently panicking, his eyes darting around the room and to window. The blinds were still shut tight, but in turn that made him worry the league was out there and he just couldn't see them.

"Izuku honey, are you ready to go?" Inko asked quietly, sitting on the furthest side of the bed from him.
His eyes quickly snapped back and over to his mom.

He felt tears pooling in his eyes again. I'm finally going home.

He wiped his eyes and scooted over to the edge of the bed, placing his feet on the floor.

"Y-ye-yeah." His voice cracked as he spoke, barely holding himself together. He spotted Bakugou standing by the door.
Aizawa's had left to pull the car around to the back of the hospital where they'd be getting in.

Deku was terrified the league would spot him if they got in at the entrance.

Inko and Deku walked side by side to the door to meet with Bakugou.

As they opened the door, Deku felt someone grab his hand and he jumped back, pulling his hand close to himself.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry Deku, I-I guess it's just instinct at this point. I didn't mean to scare you." Bakugou quickly apologized, having been the one to try and grab Deku's hand.
Deku was still hyperventilating, trying to calm himself down.

"It-it's o-ok." He silently cursed himself for his stutter.
God I probably look and sound pathetic.

They quickly left and Deku practically ran towards the stairs. Bakugou quickly followed him, careful to not lose sight of him, and Inko took the elevator.
Deku flew down the stairs towards where he knew the back of the building was.

The hospital setting reminded him to much of the league's hideout where he'd been held for three months. It was being back to many horrific memories and he just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Deku!" He heard Bakugou call from behind him.
He jumped slightly at his voice. It's as if his mind had gone back and he was just trying to get out. He'd completely forgotten about Bakugou and his mom.

"S-sorry Kacchan." He said quietly, slowing his pace a little.
They met up with Inko and threw the back door open to reveal Aizawa sitting in his car waiting for them.

Luckily they hadn't run into anyone on their way out.

Deku anxiously looked around before darting over to the car and diving into the backseat.

Bakugou and Inko shared a look full of concern and worry before walking over to the car as well. Bakugou in the back with Deku and Inko in the front passenger seat.

"Deku, are you going to get buckled?" Bakugou asked as gently as he could.
Deku aggressively shook his head no from where he'd crawled onto the floor.

He was clearly trying to stay away from the window.

Bakugou sighed before fastening his own seatbelt. He looked down at Deku and could see he had his knees pulled tightly up against his chest again and was mumbling to himself, tears in the corners of his eyes.

He quickly pulled his phone out and texted his classes group chat.

If you guys have anything planned you need to cancel it right now. Deku's in no way to enjoy a party. You guys should probably just leave him alone. He's really scared you guys.

He hit send, hoping one of the idiots would see it.
They were only a few minutes away from UA now and Deku was still curled up on the floor of the car, his eyes shut tight as he rocked back and forth.
Bakugou felt his heart squeeze as he looked down at him. He hated seeing him like this.

They pulled onto the campus and right over to there dorms. The car came to an abrupt halt, making Deku jump.
His eyes flew open and he look up at Bakugou.

"Are we at UA?" He whispered.

Bakugou gave him a sad smile. "Yeah we are, you're safe Izuku."

Deku turned and slowly moved up until his eyes were barely peering over the window. A smile grew on his face and he felt tears in his eyes again.

I'm safe. He repeated to himself.

(You guys ready for traumatized Izuku?! And bakudeku slow burn?? It's finally here and boy do I have some things in store!!)

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