Part 19

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"Will someone please wake Bakugou up? We've got to leave in a minutes." Bakugou heard Iida's annoying voice as he slowly woke up.

"Yeah man I've got it." A moment later Kirishima was shaking his shoulder.

"Bakugou, wake up man. It's almost time to leave."

He groaned and batted Kirishima's hand away before remembering where he was.
He was still sat on the couch downstairs next to Deku. Who of which was curled up against his side.
He bolted upright, realizing his entire class was downstairs.

Damn it I fell asleep!

"How long was I asleep for?" He demanded, looking up at Kirishima and eyeing his classmates.

"I don't know, you two were asleep when I came down like an hour ago."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Bakugou would never admit it, but he was embarrassed to have been caught a second time not only asleep, but asleep with Deku.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Kirishima chuckled.
"With those eye bags, and your temper, no one dared wake you up."

"Yeah whatever." He muttered angrily. He looked around and spotted Todoroki arguing with Uraraka, looking up at Bakugou every once and a while.
Although it was more like glaring rather then just looking.

He has every right to be mad at me. I'm surprised pink cheeks and glasses aren't more upset.

"Bakugou, stop standing around and go grab your stuff! We have to leave soon!" Iida shouted at him from the kitchen.

"Don't order me around four eyes!" He yelled back. He looked back up at Todoroki and Uraraka and saw that Uraraka was coming over towards them.

"Good morning Deku!" She grinned and jumped onto the couch next to him, wrapping her arms around him in a big hug.

"For gods sake round face! Get off! You're going to hurt him!" He pushed her off of Deku for what seemed to be the hundredth time since he'd come back only two nights before.

"Oh come on! He's fine, it's just a hug." She whined, going in for another one.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're being possessive." She grinned up at him.

"Well it's a good thing you know better!" He growled. He felt his face heat up and his ears tinged pink.

"Oh my god you're blushing!"

"No I'm not! Shut up before I make you!" He yelled back.

"Come on Bakugou! We're leaving!" Mina yelled at him from the door.

"Yeah yeah just a second." He glared at Uraraka who was laughing and he pushed her off of Deku again.

"Goodbye, I'll see you tonight." He gave Deku a hug before turning back to Uraraka.

"I swear to god if anything happens to him while I'm gone, I will personally dig your grave!"

"Ok ok I got it. He'll be fine. Now go, you're gonna be late." She gestured to the class already leaving.

He threw one last worried expression in Deku's direction before grabbing his bag and running out the door.

Bakugou lagged behind the rest of his class on the walk to school.
It was taking all his will power not to turn around and just spend the day at the dorms with Deku.

He knew Uraraka was there, but if he was too at least he'd know he was safe.

As soon as he made it to his classroom, Bakugou headed straight to his desk and slumped down into his chair.
He nervously stared out the window.

"Hey man, you know he's gonna be ok, right?"

Bakugou jumped in his seat, he hadn't realized Kirishima was there. He had been to focused on staring at the dorms.

"Of course I know that idiot." He mumbled, putting his head on his desk.

"Do you?"

Bakugou looked up at Kirishima. He wanted to be angry with him, but honestly all he could feel at the moment was grief and anxiety.

He could see Kirishima's expression morph into a worried one.

At that moment Aizawa walked into class.

"Go to your seat Kirishima." He sighed.

Kirishima gave Bakugou a reassuring look before finding his own desk.

"Before we begin todays lesson, I wanted to talk to you all about Midoriya." Aizawa said, sounding very pensive.

Bakugou's ears perked up at this and he looked up at his teacher.

"I think we might be able to use Eri's quirk to rewind him back to before he went through all that trauma. Or at least to before he became stuck in his trance."

There was a pause before anyone said anything.

"Would she really be able to do that?" Ojiro questioned. "I mean I know she brought Mirio's quirk back last year, but that's way different then what happened to Midorya."

"Yeah, and would that mean his memories of that whole time would be erased too?"

"I think it seems like a good idea."

"I don't know, we don't want to accidentally make it worse either."

"Quiet!" Aizawa shouted, bringing back everyone's attention.
"Eri and I had a chat last night. She's actually the one that brought it up to me. She told me if she trains really hard that she thinks she can do it. She really wants to help him. Personally I think it's a very good idea. Of course Togata and Midorya's situations are very different, but that doesn't change the fact that Eri's quirk rewinds something or someone to an earlier version." He paused, ready to answer any questions.

Bakugou felt his heart squeeze and a flare of hope and joy.

"What about his memories of that whole time? Hopefully those would be erased to?" Hagakure questioned.

"I don't know. Eri's quirk has never been used in a situation like this. Only ever for physical wounds, or in Togata's case, his quirk. I can only assume that no, those memories wouldn't be erased."

"That sucks. Poor Midorya went through hell and back." Someone mumbled.

Finally Bakugou spoke up.
"H-how long until she can help him?" He asked desperately.

"A few months at best, at worst a few years or even not at all. But rest assured I won't let her actually attempt this until I'm certain she wouldn't be harming him in any way."

Bakugou nodded and glanced back out the windows towards the dorms.

"Of course we'd have to ask his mother permission first, but if she agrees, I can start her training right away."

Bakugou smiled. He knew Inko would definitely agree to this.
He felt tears stinging his eyes as it finally sunk in. They could help Deku, he'd be able to talk with him again.

He quickly blinked the tears away before any of his classmates could see, but on the inside, he was overjoyed.

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