Part 27

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Bakugou painfully lifted his arm up to put it around Deku's shoulders and pulled him closer to himself.
Inko and Kirishima came back twenty or so minutes later with with a book, his pillow, and his phone and charger.

Thanks. He wrote out quickly upon their return.

"Of course dude. Just let us know if  you need anything else ok."

"Be careful Katsuki." Inko said, noting how close Deku was to him. "You probably shouldn't have your arm up like that and I don't want him to close to your incision."

He rolled his eyes, hoping to get his point across that he didn't care.

"I know you don't care, but I do." She grabbed Deku's arm, trying to pull him off the bed.

Bakugou frantically grabbed at Deku, trying to keep Inko from pulling him away. He looked up at her with pleading eyes.

Fuck I wish I could talk! He screamed in his head.

"Ok ok." She sighed, letting go and putting her hands up in defeat. "Just be careful, I don't want you hurting yourself."
He nodded, pulling Deku back towards himself.
Kirishima sat down on the end of the bed.

"I can bring you the homework for tomorrow, and the next day if you're still here. I don't think Aizawa's the type to excuse you from it, even though you just had surgery." He laughed.

They talked to him for a while, Bakugou writing out a reply every once in a while when Mina poked her head around the door.

"Hey Bakugou-chan!" She grinned, bouncing into the room and over to him. The rest of the class followed short.

"You doing ok? You were pretty beaten up." Sero said, sitting on the bed next to Kirishima.

Bakugou nodded his answer.

"We were all so worried. Principal Nezu just let us all come down now." Kaminari said.
Bakugou ignored him, looking around the room for Iida.
When he spotted him he ushered him over.

"Yes Bakugou? How are you feeling?" He asked.

He quickly grabbed his notepad, scribbling something down.

I didn't get the chance to properly thank you. I really really appreciate you taking Deku and getting him back safely.
He held the note up and allowed him to read.

Iida smiled and looked back up at Bakugou's face. "Of course. He's my friend too. Although I probably wouldn't have thought to go off on my own had it not been for you. But I guess it makes sense considering I'm the fastest."

Bakugou nodded, still insanely frustrated by his inability to speak.
Bakugou glanced over at Deku who was cuddled up against him and smiled. He was beyond grateful that the league hadn't been able to kidnap him and and he was safe.

What about Shigaraki? Are the heros still fighting in town? He wrote, holding his notepad up for anyone to read.

"Unfortunately yeah. Mr. Aizawa hasn't come back yet and most of the teachers left to help. That's why we had to get Nezu's permission to come rather then Mr. Aizawa's." Momo spoke up, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

But they haven't got into UA right?!

"No, thank god, none of the villains have gotten in here." Iida answered.
He was filled with relief and held himself a little tighter against Deku. He winced when Deku's arm pushed up against his incision, but didn't let go of him.

"Yep, walls still holding strong." Kaminari smiled, looking out the window of the infirmary at the reinforced wall surrounding the campus.

"Man, Bakugou be careful." Kirishima looked at him with concern as he noticed Deku up against his incision.
Bakugou stared coldly at him, trying to portray his indifference.

"Well, we don't want to bombard you dear. You did just wake up after all." Bakugou's gaze swung up to Inko who was now standing up, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "You need to sleep and recover."

"Yeah, we should probably leave." Jirou said.

Bakugou looked rapidly between his classmates. He wouldn't admit it, but it was kind of nice having them all there for him.

Much to his dismay Inko grabbed Deku's arm and pulled him off the bed.
"We'll come see you again tonight Katsuki." Inko smiled warmly, turning towards the door hand in hand with her son.

He frantically grabbed his notepad and pen and scrawled out a message as they all turned towards the door.

Wait don't take Deku!!
He desperately held it up but everyone had already made it to the door and were on their way out.
It was only Kirishima that actually turned around, already at the door.

"See ya later man." He said, not reading the note Bakugou had written.
He shut the door, leaving Bakugou completely alone.

Damn it!! Fuck! He thought in distress. His head fell back against his pillows and he banged his fists against the mattress in anger.

He looked out the window out the walls surrounding UA. How could he know they would hold?
This was Shigaraki they were talking about! Sure the school had taken extra security measures, especially after Deku came back to live at the dorms, but he was still worried.

At least he's coming back tonight.


A few hours passed and Bakugou was bored out of his mind.
He zoned out, staring up at the ceiling. He'd gone through his usual few apps on his phone a few times and read pretty far into his book.

He glanced down at the clock on the side table.


Hopefully they'd be bringing Deku back soon.
His stomach was in knots with worry. He couldn't stop thinking about him since everyone had left.

He turned his head and stared out the window, watching birds fly by. He imagined what kind of battle was happening just beyond the walls. If it was even still happening.
No one had been keeping him updated. Luckily he could see the entrance from where he was and he hadn't seen anyone coming or going.

Bakugou jumped at the sudden sound of the door latch clicking open.
He quickly turned his head as the door swung open.

Inko was standing hand in hand with Deku who was already in his pajamas.

"Hi Katsuki. How're you feeling? Any better? Do you need any pain meds?" She rambled as she walked over to him.

He quickly grabbed his notepad.

Insanely bored.

"Oh I'm sorry dear. That's never fun." She smiled at him. "Do you need any more pain medicine?"

He shook his head no. Recovery girl had been by about an hour ago and had changed the dressing on his chest and gave him some pain meds while she was there.

Is he ok? He quickly scribbled down, pointing to Deku.

"Yes he's perfectly fine. You don't need to worry so much Katsuki. He's in good hands."

How am I supposed to know if I'm not there though? He thought in annoyance.

"Now I spoke to recovery girl, and Izuku is going to sleep in the other bed. She doesn't want him in the same bed as you, for your recovery."

What?! I can't reach him from here, to help him with his night terrors!

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. I agree with her, we don't want him to be up against your incision. The best we can to is have him in here with you."
He went to angrily cross his arms, but stopped himself once he felt the pain.

She sat Deku on the bed and pulled his shoes off before moving his legs up and tucking the sheets around him.

"Do you need anything else from your dorm? You said you were bored." She asked after getting Deku situated in the bed next to his.

No. He wrote simply.

"Alright then, I have to go home, but I'll see you soon. One of your friends will come by tomorrow before school to get Izuku." She gave him a warm smile before leaving.
Bakugou looked over at Deku and smiled. He would've preferred him to be closer, but at least he was here.

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