Part 32 (Deku's POV)

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Am I dead?


Am I sure?

Yeah I'm sure, I can feel the bed. Dead people can't feel.

Deku slowly opened his eyes, being momentarily blinded by the bright lights.

His eyes finally adjusted and he could see he was in a hospital like room.

He inhaled sharply, trying to hold back a sob.
I must be back with the doctor.

He looked around himself a little more and realized didn't recognize anything.

Where did they take me this time? He thought in defeat.

Suddenly Deku remembered where he was last. The doctor had be operating on him, to turn him into a nomu.

Oh god! He screamed in his head. Am I a nomu? What did they do to me?!

He panicked and tried to sit up and reach for his head and chest, where he remembered feeling the intense pain of being cut into, but realized he couldn't. He was strapped to the bed.

He couldn't move.

What are they going to do?! Are they going to hurt me more?! They're going to hurt me again aren't they! Did I do something wrong?!

No no no! He panicked and violently thrashed until, to his relief, the bindings came just loose enough that he was able to slip out of the bed.
He frantically looked around the room and saw a metal table sitting next to the bed.

Memories from his punishments came flooding back and he staggered backwards, his breathing becoming much faster and more shallow.
He accidentally knocked something over and it fell with a loud crash against the cold tiled floor.

Deku jumped in fear at the sudden, loud sound and at this point he could feel tears stinging his eyes.

A group of people came running in at the sound and he screamed.
He was too panicked to recognize any of them.

"Midorya what are you doing?!" One of the people yelled.

Yelling! They're yelling! Fuck! I messed up, I ruined something and now I'm going to be punished!
Deku couldn't say anything. He could feel tears streaming down his face at this point and a panic attack coming on.

Don't say anything, it'll only make them angrier!

"Izuku! Calm down honey! You're safe!" He heard another voice.

"You're going to hurt yourself, get back in the bed." Someone else said cautiously.

No no no! They're going to hurt me!! They want me restrained! They want to hurt me!

One of the people took a step towards him and he freaked out.

"N-no! Stay a-away!! Don't hurt me!!" Deku screamed in horror, tears flowing freely down his face.

That's when he noticed the big window in the room.

A window!! Why would they put me in a room with a window?

He took one more quick and terrified glance at the group of people before making a break for it.

"Deku stop! No!!" He heard someone shout as he booked it towards the window.

Deku braced himself and slammed his body into the glass, but to his dismay, it didn't break. It didn't even crack.

"Shit! No no no!!" He screamed, desperately slamming his elbow into the glass, praying it would shatter.

He spun back around and saw the people closing in on him.

"No! No no no! I'm sorry! I-I-I wasn't trying to escape again! I promise! Pl-Please don't hurt me!" Deku screamed, bracing himself to be hit or kicked.

He sunk to the floor, curling into a tight ball against the wall and putting his arms over his head.

He was subconsciously rocking back and forth as he sobbed, just waiting for Shigaraki to drag him into another room and torture him.

He could hear hushed whispers all around him and eventually, to his surprise, retreating footsteps.
However, this didn't calm Deku down in the slightest.

He continued to tremble and sob and was becoming lightheaded due to his rapid and shallow breathing.

Did they leave? He though in a panic.

After a minute of not hearing anyone anymore, he gathered the courage to peek out from behind his arms.
He still had his mind set on that window and busting through it.

He glanced around and spotted a person still in the room, sitting cross legged on the floor in front of him.

Deku squeaked and hid his face again.

He began thinking and realized he didn't recognize that person to be either Shigaraki or the doctor.
He thought if he made one more attempt maybe he could overpower this person or maybe get out through the window.

He made his decision and jumped up, spinning back towards the window.

I'm so fucking close! If I can just get through this window!

As soon as he jumped up, he saw the person behind him jump up too.
Deku quickly started pounding on the window again.

"Deku!" This person shouted and grabbed him, trying to pull him away from the window.

"No!! Please!" He sobbed as he kicked and twisted around, trying to get out of their grip.

Rather than let him go, this person just wrapped their arms around him in a tight hug and sunk to the floor, pulling Deku down with them.

"Oh Deku. I'm so sorry. So so sorry. I should've saved you. You don't deserve this." They held Deku tight in their arms and Deku continued kicking and sobbing until suddenly there was a spark of recognition.

I know that voice.

He knew who was hugging him, who was comforting him.
He stopped kicking and slowly looked up at this person's face, seeing the spiky blond hair.

"K-Kacchan?" He asked quietly in disbelief.

Bakugou quickly pulled back from the hug to look at him. Tears quickly coming to his eyes.

"Yes, yes Deku it's me!" He choked back a sob as he looked into Deku's terrified face.

Deku inhaled sharply before breaking down.

"KACCHAN!!" Deku wailed, jumping back into Bakugou's arms and burying his face into his chest. 

They sobbed and held each other tightly.

"I can't believe it's you! You came for me!" He wailed, clutching his shirt.

"I'm here. It's ok. You'll be ok. You're safe." He whispered, stroking Deku's hair as they both cried.

"W-we have to ge-get out of here!" Deku suddenly looked back up, the panic coming back to his face. "Shigiraki could be back any minute!"

Bakugou looked down at him. "No, Deku, you're not with the league anymore. We're in a hospital." He explained with concern.

"W-what? But I don't re-remember...." His voice trailed off, trying to remember being rescued.

"Come back over to the bed and we'll explain everything." Bakugou said, taking Deku's hand in his.

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