Part 38

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Deku scooted a little closer to his bed, still sitting  on the floor.
He was trying his best to keep himself out of view from the window. Even though the blinds were tightly drawn, he still didn't feel safe.

He lifted his head again, taking in the familiar sight of his bedroom. It was dusty, like no one had been in there for a long time.
Everything but his bed was dusty, which he found odd, but brushed it off.
That's when he caught sight of something in the mirror.

He saw a flash of light hair, and in the dark it almost looked pale blue.
Hai eyes widened in terror, his heart dropping into his feet.
He screamed and cowered, thinking somehow Shigaraki had found him.

"No no no!" He whispered hysterically to himself, feeling the tears in his eyes building back up.

"KACCHAN!! MOM!" He screamed, curled up on the floor.
But when a minute and then two passed without anything happening, he hesitantly looked back up.

It wasn't Shigaraki he'd seen in the mirror, but himself.
He stared at his reflection, crawling a little closer.
He didn't recognize himself at all.

He shakily lifted his hand, touching his hair.

"White?" He whispered to himself.

He eyes traveled down from his hair, noticing how gaunt he looked. He had dark bags under his eyes. He gently traced the scar that ran over his forehead as well as the other scars left from torture.
He moved his fingers over to his left eye.

He'd known he was blind in that eye, but he didn't know it physically looked different.
His once vibrant green iris was faded and clouded over. It was more sunken in then his right eye as well.
His gaze moved down. He lifted his arms and looked at them. He looked so frail, nothing like the stocky and muscled build he'd had before.

He looked almost akin to his middle school self, serve a couple major differences. His hair, the many many scars, his eye.

He was lost in his thoughts, more painful memories resurfacing, and upset that now he didn't even look the same, when suddenly the door flew open.
He jumped and screamed, startled. He dove towards his desk, trying to hide himself.

"Deku?! Are you ok? We heard you scream for us!" Bakugou shouted, rushing into the room. Inko followed closely behind, food in her arms.

Deku peeked out from behind his desk.

"I-I'm o-kk-kay." Bakugou's eyes follow the sound of the small voice and Deku saw his features visibly relax when he realized he was ok.

"What happened honey?" Inko asked gently, setting the breakfast food down on his desk.

"The mirror." He answered quietly. "I don't l-look like m-m-me." He pulled his knees up to his chest.

Bakugou and Inko shared a look. They still didn't know why Eri's quirk didn't rewind his physical body. But she was young, they still didn't know the entire ins and outs of her quirk yet.

"Oh honey. That's ok. You're still you." Inko smiled gently, squatting down a few feet from where her son was curled up.

Deku lifted his gaze, anger and fear and sadness in his gaze.

"No! It's not ok! Th-th-they took so much from me. And did so much to me. I don't even look the same! How can you be sure I'm still the same. I-I don't even know anymore." Deku cried out. This outburst was in stark contrast with his behavior since waking up.

"I thought it was him. I saw myself in the mirror and I thought-" his voice broke. The tears that had been welling up in his eyes started pouring down his face.
"You can s-se-see everything that ha-hap-happened. Every time I see myself, I'll just remember. I-I don't want to remember!" He sobbed, hiding his face in his arms.

Bakugou didn't even think before he lunged forward and wrapped Deku in a tight hug. Seeing him in his catatonic state was one thing, but this is completely different. He couldn't even imagine what he was going through.

Deku jumped, but quickly relaxed, hugging Bakugou back.

Inko saw this different reaction and hesitantly joined the hug.

"You don't have to be scared of him anymore Deku. I promise I will never let that bastard lay a finger on you ever again." Bakugou felt his blood boiling with rage. Rage for Shigaraki.

"If your appearance is bothering you, we can always do something about that. You could dye your hair sweetie." Inko suggested.

Deku didn't respond to either of them. Only clutching onto them and sobbing. Bakugou moved his hand to the back of Deku's head, tangling his fingers in his hair and pulling him closer.

"I-I shouldn't have y-ye-yelled. I'm sor-sorry." Deku said quietly, slightly muffled with his face still pressed up against his mom and Bakugou. He was holding onto them tightly.
"It's ok Izuku. You have nothing to apologize for." Inko said tenderly, stroking his hair gently.

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