Part 14

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"Finally." Bakugou sighed after Uraraka had shut the door. He watched the class make their way further from the dorm and towards the school.

"Breakfast?" He asked, looking over at Deku who was perched on the couch.
"How about rice and eggs." He said, already pulling stuff out to make it.

He started cooking, glancing over his shoulder every few minutes to check that Deku was ok. When he had finished he brought the food out into living area.
Iida wasn't around to lecture him and tell him off about eating out there.

He helped Deku with his food first before eating his, which had become cold. He didn't mind though, as long as Deku ate.
After they'd both finished, he threw the dishes in the sink and decided he'd wash them later.

"Oh I know." Bakugou said suddenly. "Stay put, I'll be right back." He pointed at Deku accusingly.
He dashed up the stairs and made his way to the second floor to Deku's room. He'd seen a pair of discarded earbuds laying around there somewhere the night before.

"Where are those damn earbuds." He growled, searching though the closet. He turned and saw them laying on the nightstand and quickly swiped them.
He bolted back downstairs to find Deku exactly as he'd left him.

He jumped onto the couch next to Deku and opened his music app.

"Maybe music will help snap you out of that trance." He thought outloud, plugging the earbuds into his phone.

He opened his playlist and searched through it, trying to find something he thought Deku would've liked.

"Here we go." He smiled, clicking on a song and putting the earbuds in Deku's ears. He turned the volume up and sat back, waiting for some kind of reaction.


He waited until the song finished and picked another one. He stared at him, hoping for something, anything to happen.
"I kinda thought that would work." Bakugo sighed when there was no reaction from Deku. "It was always you and your damn music, I just thought..."

He turned the music off and pulled out the earbuds, wrapping them up and placing them on the coffee table in front of them.

"How about a movie?" He said, eyeing the remote next to him.
"We've got like seven-ish hours to burn."

He swiped the remote and began scrolling through the watch list. He eventually picked something and put his arm around Deku protectively.

About thirty minutes into it he looked over at Deku saw his head was dipping. He looked like he was on the brink of sleep.

"Tired? You're the one that got to sleep last night." Bakugo laughed. He scooped the boy into his lap and continued watching the movie.
Before he knew it, Deku was asleep and cuddled up on Bakugo's chest.

He could feel his own eyes getting heavy.

A nap wouldn't hurt. Right? He seems fine. He thought, glancing down at the boy in his lap.

Just a small one, god I'm tired. His eyes drifted shut and he was soon asleep.


"Oh my gosh! Quickly, get a picture!"

"Before Bakugou wakes up, he'll kill us."

"Did you get it?!"

Bakago heard frantic whispering as he slowly woke up. He brought us hand up from Deku's hair and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh he's waking up!"

He opened his eyes to see Uraraka, Kirishima, Kaminari, Tsu, Sero, and Mina all standing over him.

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