Part 21

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Bakugou ran back out of the room and shouted to the others.

"Guys he's gone! He's not in there!"

"What?! Where is he!" Uraraka screamed.

"How is that possible?!"

"It couldn't have been the league right?! I mean we're at UA!"

"Why did he scream like that?!"

"I don't fucking know! Just start looking!" Bakugou snapped, running towards the next room to search.

"No! I'm going to search too! He's MY son!!" He heard Inko yelling.
The others must've been trying to usher her back to the living room.

"Deku! Deku where are you?!" Bakugou shouted, frantically scanning the room, spotting nothing and running to the next one.

He threw closets open and dropped to the floor, peering under furniture on the off chance Deku had for some reason crawled under something.



"Where are you?!"

He heard his classmates calling out his name as they also searched.

"Where are you damn nerd?!"

He sprinted to the next room, getting more panicked and desperate by the minute.

"Izuku! Honey where are you?!"

Shit shit shit!!
He started to hyperventilate, his panic growing, tears stinging his eyes.

"Deku!" He screamed again. Although he had no idea why any of them were shouting his name. It's not like he could respond.

Bakugou rounded the corner into the next room and let out a sob when he saw Deku curled up in a tight ball in the corner.

"Deku!" He ran over hugged him tightly.

"Oh my god I thought they took you!" He cried, feeling relief wash over him.

He pulled away when he realized Deku was shuddering.

He was trembling and breathing really hard and still had tears on his face and in his eyes.

That's when Bakugou noticed Deku's hands and his elbow were bloody and bruised.

"What the hell happened?" He said quietly to himself, looking around the room.
He hadn't noticed it when he ran in, he'd been to focused on Deku, but there was broken glass all over the floor.

He looked up at the window just above where they were sat and saw that it had bloody smears over the locked latch and the glass itself was broken.

His head snapped back to Deku and he gently took his hands to see the damage.

"Were you - were you trying to escape?"

He must've thrusted his elbow into the glass.
Bakugou thought, looking at the blood and bruising on Deku's elbow.

"Is there any glass in your hands?" He talked to himself, examining his hands more closely.

"Damn it." He muttered under his breath.

He wiped the tears off of Deku's face before he stood him up and walked them both over to the door.
Bakugou had his hand on his back rather then holding his hand like usual.
"Guys I found him!" He yelled, slowly leading him back towards the living room.

"I'll meet everyone in the living room!" He shouted again.

He rounded the corner and saw everyone had gathered back in the living room to meet him.

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