Part 26

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Bakugou groaned and brought his hand up to his chest where he felt a dull ache.

"Hey! No touching!" His eyes flew open and he spotted recovery girl shouting at him from her desk.

He tried to speak, but moved his hand up towards his face when he realized he couldn't.
He felt a mask on his face and a tube down his throat.

God damn it a fucking ventilator?!

"Oh I'm so glad you're ok!" Inko cried, suddenly grabbing onto his hand.

His head turned and he saw Inko, Kirishima, and Deku all sitting in chairs near the bed.

"You gave us all a real scare." Kirishima gave him a toothy smile.
Bakugou groaned again in pain, looking down at his chest and seeing it was bandaged.

At least I can breathe now. He thought as the machine made him take a deep breath of air.

"Do you need more pain medication dear?" Recovery girl asked, walking over.

He shook his head solemnly, trying to sit up, wincing in pain.

"Don't try to sit up." She said. "I couldn't use much of my quirk so I don't want you to accidentally damage anything further." She grabbed the small remote on the side table and moved his bed into a half sitting position.

He reached up towards the mask again, looking at recovery girl.

"No I'm sorry. I can't take you off the ventilator yet. I don't want your lung collapsing again, and it might be difficult for you to breathe on your own right now." She gave him a sympathetic smile.

He wanted to yell in frustration, but since he couldn't, he banged his fist on the bed instead.

"Hey it'll be ok Katsuki. You'll be off of it in no time." He angrily glanced over at Inko and Kirishima.

He looked squarely at Deku, sitting between Inko and Kirishima and pointed frantically at him.

"What? What about Midorya?" Kirishima looked between Deku and Bakugou.
Bakugou could feel his frustration and anger growing by the second.

"Hang on, I think I have a notepad and a pen around here somewhere." Recovery girl said, walking back over to her desk.
She pulled a notepad out and grabbed a pen off her desk and handed them to Bakugou.

He quickly grabbed them and began furiously writing.
Once he was done he lifted the paper up and showed it to Inko.

Is Deku ok?!

Inko read the sentence and smiled, looking back up at him. "Thanks to you, yes. He's perfectly safe."
Bakugou smiled in relief, looking at Deku.

He moved his body slightly on the bed and cringed, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.

He grabbed the notepad again and wrote something new.

What exactly did you do?

He held the script up for recovery girl and after reading it she spoke up.
"Well, you had a few broken ribs and a punctured lung."

He scowled and went back to the paper.

Yeah, but what did you do? He underlined the word do to emphasize it, trying to get his point across.

Recovery girl sighed and pulled a chair up.
"You want me to explain the surgery?"

Bakugou nodded

"Well, I removed the excess air in your chest cavity with a needle I inserted between your ribs and then moved your broken ribs back into the correct place and screwed titanium plates into them to stabilize your ribs. Then I patched the hole in your left lung and drained the blood that had accumulated inside before reinflating it."

Bakugou nodded, gingerly laying his fingers on the bandages around his chest.

"Do you need anything man? Pain meds, anything from your room?" Kirishima asked, leaning a little closer to his friend.

Bakugou shook his head, looking down at his lap.

"Are you sure, I'd be happy to get you anything."

He looked up at Kirishima and shook his head again.

"Ok... man I'm so glad you're ok." He slumped forward, laying his head on the bed.

It's gonna take more then a few broken ribs to kill me. Bakugou wrote out, showing Kirishima the pad.

"Ok, let's talk recovery." Recovery girl piped up. "I'm going to have you spend at least one night here, maybe more."

Bakugou suddenly looked up at recovery girl, quickly turning back to his notepad.

No! I can't stay here! I've got to be there for Deku! His night terrors!

"You can't go back to the dorms. Not yet. I know Midorya has night terrors, but as of now your health is more important." She said sternly.

He quickly went back to writing but wasn't able to get the entire sentence written out before Inko spoke up.

"Maybe, if it's ok with recovery girl, he can stay here with you?" She asked, looking over at recovery girl.
Bakugou looked expectantly up at her.

"I guess...that would be fine." She said hesitantly. "But I can't have you getting up out of bed to help him."

Bakugou nodded rapidly, just happy Deku would at least be there.

"Alright, so you'll spend at least tonight here, maybe a few more, and I'll come change the dressings every 4-6 hours. What you need to do is rest. I'll use as much of my quirk as I can everyday, but that doesn't mean you can go lollygagging and rough housing. Take it easy."

Take it easy my ass! He wrote angrily. He was so frustrated and upset about the whole ventilator situation, and now he'd have to stay bed ridden?!

"Either that or you'll end up in here with worse injuries."

"Come on Bakugou, don't be so stubborn." Kirishima laughed.
Bakugou shot him an irritated glance before laying back and sighing.
He gave a slight nod, trying to cross his arms over his chest but quickly changing his mind due to the pain.

"I'll go grab some stuff from your room for you." Kirishima said, standing up and moving his chair back against the wall.

Bakugou didn't acknowledge him as he left, still just staring solemnly up at the ceiling.

"Oh don't be so upset dear." Inko laid her hand on his arm. "You'll be out of here before you know it." She gave him a warm smile.

He grabbed his notepad again.

Can I actually get some more pain meds?

She read quickly before looking back up at him.

"Of course dear." She called recovery girl back over who gave him some more pain medication.

He hesitantly reached for his paper and pen again before writing something.

Can Deku sit up here with me?

He felt his face grow red as he sheepishly showed Inko what he'd written.
She scanned the text before looking between her son and Bakugou.

"Oh course he can." She chuckled, grabbing Deku's hand and standing him up.
Bakugou scooted over a little to make room and Inko sat Deku down on the bed, moving his legs so he was in the same half sitting position as Bakugou.

Bakugou inconspicuously grabbed Deku's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"Is there anything specifically you want from your room I can get you? I was going to help your friend bring things down."

Bakugou thought for a second, grabbing the notepad again.

A book would be nice, and my phone and charger.

"Great, do you care which book or is any fine?"

Any. He quickly scribbled down.

"Alright then, I'll be right back." She smiled at the two, leaving the room and walking back towards the dorms.

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