Part 31

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Bakugou stared blankly at the wall across from him.
He was sitting on the couch holding hands with Deku. Tomorrow was the day Eri could bring him back.

Inko was on Deku's other side, holding his other hand.
She'd approached Bakugou after class a few days ago and asked him to be there when Eri used her quirk. Of course he immediately agreed.

He glanced at the clock.

I should probably make myself dinner. He thought, sighing and laying his head back against the couch.
Everyone else was busy in the kitchen making themselves food, so he figured he'd wait until it cleared out a bit.

That was until Sato came out into the living area with three plates of food.
He set them down on the coffee table in front of Inko, Deku, and Bakugou.

"Figured I'd make you guys something while I was in there." He smiled at them.

"Oh thank you dear. You didn't have to." Inko thanked him and returned his smile.

"Really it was no problem."

Bakugou looked at the plate of food and then back up at his classmate.

"Thanks." He mumbled out before grabbing the plate and setting it on his lap.

"So we're all going to meet at the hospital at 12:00." Inko said, explaining how things were going to go the next day. "He'll probably stay there for the day, and then come back to the dorms with you."

He nodded his understanding.

They'd already decided Aizawa would drive Bakugou, Eri, and Deku to the hospital while Inko met them there via bus.

He gripped Deku's hand a little tighter. He was so excited to have him back.
But also nervous. Aizawa had said he'd remember everything.

How awful. He thought. Just from reading through the journal they'd found and seeing the many scars left on his body, Bakugou knew he'd been through a lot.
He didn't know if he'd even be the same anymore. Or if Eri's quirk would work at all.

"I should probably go." Inko sighed, looking at her watch. Even after saying that, she didn't get up.
He could tell she didn't want to leave, but she wasn't permitted to stay the night on campus until tomorrow.

"We'll see you tomorrow." He smiled at her, trying to be reassuring.

"Yeah." She stood up, hesitantly letting go of Deku's hand. She leaned back down and scooped Deku into a big hug.
"I love you Izuku. We'll see each other tomorrow." Her voice was shaky, like was trying to keep from crying.

After Inko left, Uraraka came over and took her spot.
"I can't believe he's really going to be back." She linked her arm with Deku's. "I've missed him so much."

Bakugou didn't say anything. He was ready to go to bed. The sooner they went to bed, the sooner tomorrow would come.

Finally he stood them both up.

"Hey where are you going?!" Uraraka whined.


"But it's only 7:30!"

He ignored her and walked to the elevator.

Just one more night of night terrors. He thought, glancing worriedly at his friend.

"Maybe you're hair'll be green again." He said hopefully, looking at the completely white head of hair he had now.
Even the green streaks that had been left in his hairline only a month ago were gone.

Bakugou brought his hands up and ran them through Deku's hair, searching for even a little green left.
He sighed when he couldn't find any. He stepped off the elevator and onto his floor and sped walked to his room, quickly tucking Deku in.
He was to anxious for tomorrow to sleep, so he stayed awake and kept watch over the boy in front of him.

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