Part 25

635 39 18

"Come on guys! We've got to get back quick, he has to see recovery girl!" Mina shouted, tossing Bakugou's blood soaked mask to the ground and grabbing him a new one.

Bakugou was gasping for air and cringing back in pain every time.
He clutched his chest and doubled over, coughing up more blood. The adrenaline from earlier had completely worn off at this point and he was in excruciating pain.

(And before y'all say this is to much, it was Shigaraki that attacked him, remember the number he did on everyone in season six, mans can do damage)

"No! I can walk." He rasped out as Kirishima tried to carry him, trying to get his footing. However, as soon as he stretched his torso out to stand up straight, he felt the stabbing pain worsen and he folded back over, going back into a coughing fit.
He felt short of breath but couldn't seem to get enough air no matter how deep of breaths he took.

He noticed the speed of the group pick up but he couldn't pay attention to where they were going or what was going on around him.

He eventually gave in and allowed himself to be carried.
He could still hear sounds of fighting all around them and noticed his classmates break from the group every few minutes, only to return moments later. He assumed they were fighting off villains Shigaraki had brought with him.
Finally they made it through the dust and were nearing the entrance to UA. Everyone pulled their masks off and sprinted towards the fortified gate.

Bakugou was feeling lightheaded from the shortage of air, his vision becoming hazy.
He looked up and spotted the dorms from where they were.

"Deku." He said. "I need to see Deku. I need to know if he's ok." He rasped out and coughed again.

"No Bakugou, you need to see recovery girl!" Kirishima said, pulling him towards her office.

"Katsuki honey, I can go check on him. You need to go get help." Inko said.

"No!!" Bakugou yelled, pulling himself away from Kirishima and towards the dorms where he hoped Deku was.

"Bakugou-chan! Please!" Mina ran up to him and tried to stop him, grabbing onto his arm.

"You can't stop me! I need to know he's ok!" He shouted, blasting Mina off of him. He took a few steps towards the dorms, hunched over, clutching his chest and coughing up more blood.

"Ok fine." Kirishima said. He could see they weren't going to change his mind and he'd hurt himself more trying on his own, so they might as well help him.
He walked up to where Bakugou was hunched over and grabbed his arm, wrapping it around his shoulder and supporting him.
The rest of the class approached and helped, taking the strain off of Bakugou.

The walked for a few feet, Bakugou staggering and gasping. His vision was blurry and he was starting to see spots, but pressed on.

That fucking nerd better be ok.

"Here, let me carry you. It'll be faster." Kirishima offered.
Bakugou was about to yell at him to not baby him and that he could walk on his own, but realized he was right. It'd be a lot faster if someone just carried him.

"I- ok." He gave in.

Kirishima grabbed him and the pace picked up substantially.
Bakugou was riddled with anxiety. He had no idea if Deku had made it out alright. It would just crush him if the league had managed to take him again. Right from under his nose.

It would be the second time he hadn't been able to protect him.

Finally they made it to the dorm and they pushed the doors open.



The class shouted, knowing if Iida was here, so would be Deku.

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