Part 10

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Bakugou released Deku's hands and they fell to his sides. It was like nothing had happened, the only indication being the tears still streaking down his face.

The doctor came rushing into the room.

"What's wrong?!" He yelled, running over to Deku.

"What the?" He puzzled, noticing the tears staining his face.

"He just...." Bakugou started.

"What happened, did he snap out of his trance?" The doctor questioned, turning towards Bakugou.

"He was sleeping. And he just- he just started screaming. He was like, having seizures, I think, and crying. He sounded terrified, like he was in pain." He blurted out, still shocked about what had just happened.
"But when I woke him up, he went back to being like this." He said gesturing to the motionless boy on the bed. He was laying on his side with his eyes open, breathing heavy from the erratic movement.

"Hmmm." The doctor said. "Something like this happened last night, although not so, large scaled."
Bakugou felt his face go red in anger.

"And you didn't think to tell me? Or his mom?!" He screamed.

"It wasn't anything significant. Just whimpering and small movements. There was no need to notify either of you." The doctor gave him an icy stare.

"Well obviously there is!" Bakugou barked. "He could've hurt himself if I hadn't been here!"

The doctor sighed.

"We'll tell her about, tomorrow morning." The doctor said. "Although they only seem to be night terrors, not to uncommon."

He began to mumble to himself, "Although that happens when someone is in control of their mind. Being in his current catatonic like state, night terrors shouldn't be possible. While sleeping, that state of his mind should be the same as while awake. This doesn't make any sense...."

Bakugou glared at him angrily.

"Well, is there something you can do?!" He yelled, annoyed by the mumbling. It reminded him of Deku's habit of doing the same.

The doctor looked up, seemingly pulled out of his own thoughts.

"Not with all the medications he's already on. But once he's left the hospital and we've removed some of his medications for pain, we'll be able to prescribe something."

"So he's got to deal with this for another month." Bakugou sighed.

"We'll continue to monitor him...but you'd better get going."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugou hissed before looking down at his watch and seeing the time.

9:00 pm.

"Oh shit." He whispered to himself, school curfew was 9:30.

"Ok, I'm going, but not because you told me to." He glared at the doctor. He'd do anything to stay with Deku right now, but he couldn't be late unless he wanted to spend the night at his house, and he really didn't want to deal with the old hag.
He gathered up his stuff and slipped out the door, giving Deku one last, worried look.

It'd been about a month since Deku had woken up.
In that time the nurses had managed to get him to not only stand, but walk as well. He was able to eat solid foods and drink from a cup, with help of course.

But he continued having terrible night terrors.

He always cried and sounded terrified and in pain during these episodes, which the doctors found odd. Night terrors usually effect children and episodes usually only last 10-15 minutes. His, however last how ever long it takes for someone to wake him up.
And with his lack of control over his mind, it made it all the more odd that he had these to begin with.
Inko had talked with the school and they had finally decided, after much debate, that they would let Deku continue living at the dorms and she would have access to the school grounds whenever she wanted to come visit him.
Mr. Aizawa and class 1a had agreed that one student would stay back every school day to care for Deku. The person that stayed back would change everyday so no one missed out on to much school, as their education was still priority. And obviously his care wouldn't be left up to the students alone.

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