Part 28

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Bakugou stared out the window, watching as the sun slowly dipped behind UA's wall.
He'd been monitoring the entrance to the campus for hours.
He squinted his eyes due to the growing darkness and felt his heart leap when he saw who he thought was Aizawa come stumbling through. He was followed short by the other teachers that had left to help fight Shigiraki.

Old lady's gonna be busy. He thought, thinking about her sitting in the adjoining room to his, where her office was.
She'd told him when students had to spend the night she preferred to stay as well, in the next room over.

He grinned in relief.

If they're all coming back ok, that must mean  they won.

He turned his head and frowned, his eyebrows knitted together in worry.

I'm going to talk to Nezu about increasing security after this.

Of course no villains had got through, but he was still scared. This whole event had his fears of Deku being kidnapped again feel a little more validated and realistic.
He saw Deku's hand hanging off the bed as he stared up at the ceiling and Bakugou reached for it.

He stretched his arm out, but couldn't reach him from the other bed.
He grumbled in frustration and rolled back over.

Bakugou's whole chest was starting to hurt again, but he didn't want to bother recovery girl this late.
Especially now that all the teachers were back and needed her more.

He tried his best to ignore the pain and try to go to sleep. Hopefully he'd be out of here the next day.

Bakugou awoke to the sound of bloodcurdling screams. His eyes flew open and he sat up abruptly, forgetting about the need to be careful.

Fuck! God damn it! He swore in his head, clutching his chest.

He heard another round of screaming and crying and again quickly turned his attention to Deku.

As per usual he was curled up in a tight ball, screaming and crying as if he was in pain.

Come on! Not tonight! Of all nights! Bakugou thought. The one night he couldn't reach him, couldn't help him.
He reached his arm out anyways, desperately trying to grab ahold of Deku's hand.

He cringed back at the pain of stretching his upper body out and pulled back.

He lifted his head back up, his ears ringing from his friends screams. He felt tears stinging his eyes in frustration.

I've gotta do something! He remembered recovery girl specifically telling him not to get out of bed, but he couldn't just sit back and do nothing.
He painfully sat up and placed his feet on the cold floor.
He tried to hoist himself to his feet, but couldn't. One part due to the pain he was feeling, but also because the ventilator tubes weren't long enough.

Shit shit shit!
He sunk to the floor, his ventilator pulled tight over the edge of the bed. He didn't fight back his tears at his point and let them spill over.

He was panicked, frustrated, and in so much pain.
Finally he realized he was at least close enough at this point to grasp Deku's fingers.
He reached up, wincing at the pain but fighting through it, and grabbed onto his fingers.

He pulled his hand a little closer until he was able to grasp it firmly in his and interlace their fingers.
He gently stroked Deku's hand with his thumb as he held it. It was all he could do to help him.

They sat like that for a few minutes, Deku still screaming and crying, Bakugou crying and clutching his chest with his free hand.

But eventually to his surprise, it started to work.
Slowly Deku started calming down, and Bakugou noticed he squeezed his hand back. He kept gently rubbing circles with his thumb when suddenly Deku jumped up.

"Oh g-god!" His eyes darted down to where Bakugou was slouched on the floor. "Kacchan!" He slid off the bed and down next to him.

Bakugou eyes widened and he felt a surge of hit tears falling down his face.

"W-what's hap-happening..."
But as always, just as soon as he'd regained consciousness, it was suddenly gone again.

Bakugou watched in anguish as the light in his eyes slipped away and he was once again back to the catatonic state.

No no!! He screamed in his head, cupping Deku's face gently in his hands.
Please no! You were here!
His hands slid down from Deku's face and to his shoulders in despair. He hung his head and sobbed as best he could with the ventilator.

He very gently brought the boy in front of him into a hug, careful not to pull him tightly against himself and his incision.
He didn't even bother looking up when he heard the door swing open, loudly crashing into the wall.

"Bakugou! Are you two ok?!" Recovery came running in, crouching down next to the two boys.

"Oh dear, I told you not to get out of bed." She fussed over him, putting his arm around her shoulder and trying to help him back up into bed.
He fought back and grabbed onto Deku's shirt.

"Bakugou no, stop! You're going to hurt yourself worse!"
He ignored her and continued to desperately clutch onto Deku's shirt.

Either he sleeps in bed with me, or I'm going to get up every single time he has a night terror tonight. He thought stubbornly as he painfully fought against her.

Eventually she let up. "You're not going to give in are you?" She sighed.

He shook his head and looked up at her from where he was situated on the floor.

"Fine. It you PROMISE me you won't get up again, he can be in the same bed as you."
He vigorously nodded his head in agreement.

She sighed again and helped him back into bed. He didn't fight back this time. After him, she helped Deku up with him.
She walked around to the side Bakugou was on.

"With all your thrashing about, I need to see if you did anything to your stitches." She explained as she began unwrapping the bandages.

"Hmm, just bleeding." She looked up at him. "You got lucky this time boy. You really need to be more careful." She wiped the blood away and reapplied the dressing and rewrapped the bandages around his chest.
She examined his ventilator to make sure he hadn't accidentally dislodged it and that it was still working properly.

"Do you need any more pain medicine dear?" She asked before leaving.

He quickly nodded his head yes.

Finally after half an hour of fussing over him, she gave him another good scolding before flicking the light off again and leaving.

Bakugou turned to Deku, who was now sleeping next to him, and carefully raised his arm.
He put it around Deku's shoulder's and pulled him close.

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