Part 3

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The whole of the police force, pro heros, and most of class 1a had been watching Momo's newly created tracker for over an hour.


They stared at the black screen. The only indicator it was actually working was the small flashing button on the back of the device.

"He must not have activated it." She said sadly, looking down at her lap.

"Just give it a little longer." All Might piped up, trying to sound hopeful.

A few minutes passed.

A few more.

They were beginning to lose hope that this plan would work when suddenly, a bright red dot appeared on the once blank screen. A map of everything around it slowly took formation as well.

"Yes! We have a location!" The chief police jumped up from his chair, knocking it over.

"Thank god, good job my boy." All Might sighed.

"We can't send forces out right away. But now that we know where he is, we need to look into it more."

"What?!" Bakugou yelled.

"It's to risky to go right now. It'll be safer for both us as well as Midoriya if we don't rush into things."

"Safer??" He yelled, infuriated. "He's with fucking villains who are probably doing ungodly things to him! And you think waiting is safer for him?!" Bakugou was absolutely outraged, he wanted those terrible people get exactly what they deserved as soon as possible. If they wait, Deku may be dead by the time they get there!

"The police are right." All Might reassured him. "It's to dangerous right now."

Fucking idiots!! He thought and pounded his fist on the table in frustration.

(Deku's pov)


It was so cold.

He open his eyes to find himself in a dark room.
He sat up and tried to move but quickly found he was chained.
His wrists and ankles were bound by thick shackles, preventing him from escaping.

He tried to move his wrist joints, but couldn't. He knocked my arms against the cold concrete and found both arms were encased in casts. He looked down to see his leg in a cast as well.

At least they didn't hurt as much anymore.

He tried using his quirk, but found he couldn't do that either.
They must have somehow neutralized it, but how? Maybe the cuffs on the shackles?

He was stuck with the league, with these villains. He sunk further towards the floor. He knew his family, friends, and even the pro hero's would never stop looking for him.

At least he hoped they wouldn't.

The tracker signal he sent would be useless. He remembered them saying something about another lab.

That must be where I am. He thought miserably, looking around his new surroundings.

He froze and felt his heart rate accelerate as he heard a door open. Light streamed in from what looked to be a hallway.

He was terrified, but knew he probably shouldn't let them know that.

The room lit up as the creaky door swung wide open on its hinges.
It took his eyes a second to adjust, but when they did he could see the man he recognized as Tomura Shigaraki in front of him.
There were rusty bars he hadn't noticed before separating them and splitting the room in two.

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