Part 18

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*Hey guys! I just wanted to thank everyone for reading the story! Especially those of you who vote or comment. I really love going through and reading all the comments! And please, if you like the story, don't be scared to go through and vote for all the parts!*

Bakugou stared blankly at his ceiling, his eyes following the rough texture of it.

He groaned and rolled over, rubbing his eyes and staring at his alarm clock.

It was now 5:30 in the morning.

Kirishima and Mina had come back hours ago, but didn't say anything about the conversation they'd had. Nothing Bakugou could hear anyway.

Damn it, I have to get up for school in an hour.

He groaned again, his eyes were sore from the lack of sleep.
He hadn't been able to bring himself to sleep after the whole Deku incident.

He'd been listening for any sign of another night terror for hours. Well, as best he could from another room that is.
He wasn't sure what exactly he'd do if another night terror happened. He'd kind of ruined his chances of helping with his outburst. But he couldn't just not do anything either

Well there's no use laying in bed for another hour if I can't sleep. He thought angrily. Might as well get ready.

He rolled out of bed and after getting dressed, he cautiously opened his door.
He didn't want to risk waking any of his classmates up.
Quite frankly he was not in the mood to deal with any of those idiots.

Bakugou creeped over to the elevator, deciding it would be the quickest and quietest way of getting to the ground floor for some breakfast.

I wonder how Uraraka has managed to keep Deku quiet most of the night.
When he was with me he had lots of different episodes all night. But I haven't heard anything since that first one.

Bakugou was lost in thought as he stepped off the elevator and glanced around the room.

He felt his breathing hitch and his heart flip when peeking just over the top of the couch he spotted a mop of white hair.
There was someone sitting next to him who he thought was Uraraka, and that was confirmed not a moment later when she realized he was there.

"Hello? Who's there?" She sounded extremely tired and her movements were sluggish as she turned to look around.

Has she also been up all night?

"Why the hell are you down here?" Bakugou asked quietly, slowly making his way over. His anger and irritation was obvious in his voice.

"Oh Bakugou it's you." She yawned and turned back around.

"Why aren't you in your room?" He walked around the couch to face the two and saw that Deku's was awake, although looking quite exhausted as well.

He felt anger boil up inside him. Has she kept him awake all night?!

"I didn't want to accidentally wake anyone up if Deku freaked out again, so at least down here we're further from all the sleeping people." She answered groggily.

"Have you been keeping him awake?!" Bakugou raged. "If anyone should be getting sleep it's him, not our idiot classm-"

He cut himself off when he saw Uraraka spring up and protectively pull Deku closer to herself.

"Well yeah, but I was going to let him sleep during the day, when everyone was at school!" She tried to defend herself.
"I'm not able to wake him up once his night terrors kick in like you can, or soothe him to prevent one from happening, so I thought this was the best solution!"

He was even more enraged at this, but managed to calm himself down.
He'd already done enough damage to his ability to be around Deku earlier that night, and didn't want to worsen his situation.

Instead he sat down next to Deku and looked over at Uraraka.

"Look, I don't understand why so far I'm the only one that can wake him up from these things, but unfortunately that's the case. You can't deprive him of sleep just cause you can't deal with him. When they happen, just come get me. If anyone needs the sleep it's Deku."

"No! You flipped out, you attacked him!"

Bakugou sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, he leaned his head back and stared up at the ceiling.

"I've helped him plenty of times, way more then you or anyone else here. All those nights at the hospital and when he spent the night in my room." He paused and contemplated how much he wanted to tell her.
"Something happened when you guys were out in the hall. It really upset me and I know reacted wrongly. But nothing like this has ever happened before Uraraka. You can trust me with Deku, I swear on my life nothing like that will ever happen again." He looked up at her hopefully.

God he hated spilling his guts like that.

She was quiet for a moment before asking, "What happened?" He could tell by her voice and expression that she was concerned.
This made him angry, he didn't need anyone's pity!
But he pushed his anger down and tried to answer her.

"I don't want to talk about it, just.... something upsetting to me." He felt tears stinging his eyes again, threatening to fall. He quickly blinked them away and took a shaky breath.

"That's fair." She yawned. "Ok, I trust you." She slouched a little more, as if giving into her exhaustion.
"But if you ever attack him like that again, I will end you!" She chuckled, but he could tell she was dead serious.

His eyes darted down to Deku and those same feelings of quilt, shame, and sadness washed over him again. He grabbed Deku's hand and squeezed it tightly.

Rather then getting breakfast like he'd originally intended, he told Uraraka to go up to bed and he'd stay down here with Deku.

After she left, Deku finally fell asleep.

Bakugou checked to make sure she was really gone, and once he was sure they were alone, he wrapped his arm around Deku's shoulders.

He pulled him close and just cried. He sobbed as quietly as he could, clutching Deku close to himself.

"I'm so sorry.." he whispered between sobs.

"You've gotta be so scared and confused when you wake up like that."

"I miss you. I miss you so so much."
He turned his head up and realized he'd woken Deku back up.

"Damn it, I'm sorry. I don't know why I thought you could sleep through that." He wiped his eyes and straightened them both out on the couch.
He knew Deku had fallen asleep again when he felt his body leaning into his, his head resting on Bakugou's shoulder.

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