Part 4

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(Very long chapter btw)

It'd been a month since Deku was kidnapped and no one in class 1a could get proper sleep.

Bakugou had been very distraught this entire time and blamed himself for Deku's kidnapping.
This confused everyone, they didn't think he even remotely liked Deku.

The glowing dot that had revealed his location, had disappeared only a few minutes after having appeared.
They must've discovered the tracker, wherever he'd placed it.

It was to late for them though, the heros already knew the location.
Though the fact it only lasted a few minutes did make the hero's think they may have left the facility.

They still had to check though, on the off chance they hadn't moved him.

Multiple people had been sent out to scout the area.
All the known villains at the battle were researched, and the few that were arrested, heavily integrated.
They, however, didn't seem to know anything. The league must've hired small time thugs, with the promise of pay if they did what was asked of them.

The location that had been broadcasted was a large field surrounded by forest on every side. It was concluded that the building Deku was contained in was some kind of underground bunker.
Thanks to one of the polices X-ray vision quirk, they now knew the layout of the building as well.
The mission was planned for the next morning.

Bakugou couldn't sleep that night, but it's not like he'd been sleeping for the last month anyway.

He couldn't stop thinking about Deku.

Is he ok? They said they'd got what they came for, what does that mean?

His thoughts were all over the place and he was genuinely very worried about Deku.

He laid in his bed and felt his thoughts turning against him.

No. he's ok. He'll be ok. He's fucking Deku, he's always ok. They didn't do anything to him. He tried to comfort himself, but he still had nagging thoughts in the back of his mind,

But what if he isn't ok. This is the league of villains, they're probably doing terrible things to him and there's nothing you can do. You get this soft bed and warm dorm while they do god knows what to him. This is your fault. Why did you just stand by like an idiot rather then grabbing him. Taking him back. He's gone and it's your fault.
He did his best to push the thoughts out of his head and stare up at the off white ceiling. He tried to clear his head, to think of nothing, but it was harder then he liked to admit.


The next morning everyone was split into groups of 10, making 5 groups in total.
There was hardly any security above ground, only a few deactivated cameras, so they all pooled into the field in front of the nearest entrance.

Two of the arranged groups would remain outside to keep watch and capture anyone trying to escape the building.

Bakugou was in an arranged group with All Might, Midnight, three police officers, Kirishima, Kamui Woods, Cementoss, and Tsu.

He's glad he wasn't put in one of the teams staying outside to guard the exits.

They didn't know exactly where they were keeping Deku, but everyone was given a map of the building's layout anyways.

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