Part 30

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Later that day, Bakugou was finally allowed to go back to the dorms.
But only after recovery girl had really beat it into him that he wasn't allowed to go to school the next day and that he had to rest.

The rest of the night, the whole class profusely apologized to him. He understood they couldn't apologize to Deku, so he supposed that was the next best thing.

"We actually went out today and got a cot for your room." Sero said, sitting on the couch opposite him. "Y'know, considering how you'll probably be the only one with Midorya."

"Yeah, I still don't get how you're the only one that can snap him out of his night terrors." Kaminari spoke up.
That night Bakugou took the cot and got Deku situated in the bed.

He turned and looked at him. He was nestled under the covers with his eyes shut. He looked so peaceful, so normal. He could almost imagine he'd be his usual bubbly self when he woke up.
He rolled back over and stared at the ceiling. All to do now was wait until Deku's night terrors woke him up.

Before he knew it, a month had passed.

Bakugou hated his new scar. It reminded him of the similar one Deku bore and every time he saw it, all he could think about was what he'd gone through.

Bakugou had been bugging Aizawa for updates on Eri's training, but for some reason he'd been refusing to tell anyone.
But he was getting impatient and depressed. He couldn't keep going like this.

This wasn't Deku. Sure, it was his body, but this isn't what Bakugou had been so desperate to rescue all those months ago. He yearned for Izuku, not the mindless husk he's had to care for, but the outgoing person with the kind smile who used to be there.

The person Bakugou had loved.

He did his usual morning routine. He pulled Deku out of bed and got him dressed before getting himself dressed and taking them both down for breakfast.
He took the elevator and sat Deku down on the couch while he went to make them both breakfast.
He set both plates at the table and brought Deku in and gave him his breakfast first.
Bakugou then ate his and washed their dishes.

Then he'd threaten whoever was staying with Deku that day before grabbing his stuff and leaving with the class and walking to the school.

Today it was Iida staying with him, so his threats didn't need to be so intense today. He trusted, for the most part, that Iida could take care of him.
The class had seen how depressed he'd become over the last few months.
And Bakugou had noticed everyone treating him more gently. But he wasn't in high enough spirits to yell at them about it.

Soon Iida was shouting at everyone to leave and that they'd be late to class.
Bakugou threw a look over at Deku and Iida before walking over.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around Deku in a hug.

"I'll be back." He whispered more for his own comfort.
Before he could get another mouthful from Iida, Bakugou spun and grabbed his bag.
He slung it over his shoulder before following his class out the door, shutting it behind himself.

He mostly ignored his group, despite their attempts to engage with him, as they walked to class, staring at the sidewalk.
Once they got to class, he make a beeline for his seat. He didn't even bother to watch the dorms through the window, but instead kept his eyes trained on his desk.

He barely registered the bell ringing and Aizawa walking in.
He could hear conversation, most likely about class work, which he was able to tune out.

That was until he heard Deku's name.

His head popped up and only then did he realize Inko was in the room as well. She was sitting at the front of the class with Aizawa and Eri.
Eri was swinging her legs, looking happily out at the class.

What?! What's happening?! He thought, looking between the three people.

"We showed Mrs. Inko Midorya how Eri's quirk works and she's agreed to let her attempt to help him this weekend."

Wait what! Really?!

This statement caught Bakugou by surprise but brought so much joy and relief.
Aizawa had been keeping her progress from them so he hadn't had any idea if her quirk was even still an option to help him at this point.

He didn't even try to hide it, you could clearly see the emotions written on his face. The happiness and relief.

"Can we all be there?!" Someone asked from the back of the room.

"No. We don't want to crowd him. I assume he's going to be very scared and confused and we need to give him space. I'm only allowing myself, Eri, Mrs. Midorya, and one other person who I'll let her decide on."

Bakugou quickly turned his gaze towards Inko. To his relief, she was already looking in his direction.
It looked as if she'd decided she wanted him to be there.

"Is he going to come back to live at the dorms or is he going to live with you Inko?"

"I think it'd be best if he continued to live with all of you. As much as I'd love for him to come back with me, I'm afraid he's still a target and I just want him to be safe."
Bakugou could feel himself becoming overwhelmed.

"Sir! Can I use the restroom?" He asked abruptly, standing up from his seat.

In his peripheral vision he could see his classmates turning to look at him, but he couldn't care less.

"Make it quick." Aizawa said.
Bakugou quickly left through the door and practically ran to the bathroom where he locked himself in a stall.

"He's really going to be back!" He yelled to himself. "Oh my god I get to see him again! Talk to him again!" He felt tears falling down his face as he laughed and smiled.

But he quickly shut himself up when he heard the bathroom door open.

"Bakugou? You ok in here?" He heard Kirishima's voice. Hearing that it was his friend, Bakugou threw the door open.

Kirishima saw his tears and was worried before he noticed the big smile.

"He's really going to be ok! He going to be back!" He beamed, wiping his face.

Kirishima smiled back, his worry evaporating. "Yeah man." He returned the excitement. He'd been so worried about Bakugou. He really hoped, for both of their sakes (Deku and Bakugou) that Eri would be able to help Deku. He didn't know how much longer Bakugou would've held up.

It took him a few minutes to calm himself down. In that time, the two sat on the floor together. Bakugou just rambling about how happy he was.
Finally they headed back to class.

"You two ok?" Inko asked upon their return.

"Yep! All good!" Kirishima smiled. They both made their ways back to their seats as Mr. Aizawa continued.

"You said he's still gonna have his memories of that whole...experience, right?"

"Unfortunately yes, that's very likely. Togata didn't lose any of his memories last year when Eri used her quick on him, so I'd assume it'd be the same for Midorya."

"Do you really think this is going to work?!"

"I'm very confident it will. Eri here has trained very hard and I'm confident in her abilities. I wouldn't let her try if I wasn't."

"I took a few days off work to stay with you all and Izuku at the dorms." Inko smiled at them. Bakugou could tell she was just as thrilled as he was.

(Sorry about such a big time skip guys, but I've just been so antsy to get to when Deku wakes up!! I was getting bored with how slow things were moving, so I just jumped to the exciting parts. I hope that's ok!)

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