{33} Stifled

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{Jasper's POV}

"Tastes a little like summer, no?" I taunt.

"No f*cking way." Kohen's face turns to a smile. He can be really sick sometimes. I think he thinks I actually poisoned them.

I watch as Hudson and Yarrow spit out their perfectly fine food. With a smirk, I grab the pre-placed laundry detergent from under the table. I wave it in the air for emphasis.

"Summer fresh perhaps?" 

"THE F*CK?" Hudson stands up so fast his chair falls over. 

"NO YOU F*CKING DIDN'T!" Ash yells, throwing his plate at me in the process.

I dodge the plate and watch the chaos ensue. Hudson is trying to make himself throw up and Ash is shouting at me. Yarrow is strangely calm, nothing seems to faze that guy. Something from the corner of my eye catches my attention. I turn to look at where Aspen previously sat, and it's empty. I do a double take only to see she is passed out in Rhys' arms. 

I didn't actually poison the food, did I?

Oh sh*t 

I kinda forget.

"SHUT THE F*CK UP!" I shout, causing the room to come to silence. "Look" I point to Aspen.

"Sh*t" Sorin gets up from his chair and rushes to Rhys' side. 

Caspian and Ambrose follow suit. Everyone in the room, including myself is now standing and trying to see what happened to Aspen. Caspian picks her up like she's a feather, bringing her out of the dining room and into the living room. Everyone is still watching the scene in silence. He lays her down on the couch and covers her with a blanket. He then turns to face the crowd.

"This," He points to Aspen. "Is because of the noise, or have you all forgotten?" Caspian faces me, "Your little sister is now passed out because of your 'harmless' prank." Caspian directs his words to the crowd again, "Although it was very possible that Jasper poisoned the food, he didn't so let's drop it now. There will be no reciprocations or you will find your home in the," Caspian takes a quick glace at Aspen, making sure she's still sleeping, "Rooms of the west wing, do I make myself clear?"

An array of 'clears' can be heard throughout the room.

"Any further yelling, shouting, raising of voices, glass breaking, etc. with Aspen around will result in a punishment matching the severity of the offence. I don't care if you are all grown men. You will be treated like men when you act like it. Until then, don't forget this is my house, and I have authority over all of you. If I tell you to jump, the only response I should get is how high. Clear?" 

'Clears', more reluctantly can be heard around the room.

"good." Caspian nods his head approvingly. "Let Aspen sleep it off, she'll wake up eventually, until then, learn how to live together without killing each other. Really, it's not that hard. I'll be in my office, Jasper we'll talk tomorrow."

Caspian leaves the room and we're all left with an unconscious Aspen. Ambrose follows Caspian out. Sorin and Alani speak lowly to each other before leaving the room. Hudson plops down on the couch across from where Aspen is, Yarrow sits beside him. Ash leaves the room and Kohen follows him out. I sit on one of the leather armchairs. 

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