{36} Feeble

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{Aspen's POV}

"Hey there, big guy!" I shout, making the massive man grunt and slow his pace. By massive I mean the size of his muscles, dang he could squash me like a grape. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey-"

"Shut up!" He grips my already bruising wrist harder, dragging me to the exit.

"Dude, I think you got the wrong person." 

The big guy suddenly stops, making me almost crash into him. He turns around leaving his neck perfectly exposed.

"One more word out of you and- gabhgvdvbe cauhsh caughb" 

I Jabbed his neck. 

Straight up whacked him in the neck.

Using his lack of composure to my advantage, I yank my hand from his loosened grip and turn around to dart back to the main showing room. I am thankfully faster than him, due to his current state of not being able to really breathe.

When I'm sure massive man isn't following me, I make my way through various hallways of the school. This proves to be a bit of a challenge, seeing as this dumb butt competition was held in a fancier school. Apparently the wealthy castle school I already go to wasn't good enough.

"Crap crap crap where do I go?" I mumble to myself.

"I believe the entrance is down that hall." A young man says, making me spin to look at him. He looks around my age. Very attractive if I do say so myself. It's possible he simply goes to this school.

I back away from him, not fully trusting him.

"Thanks bro.." I tell him, still backing away slightly.

It's too late before I notice massive man behind me. I back right up to him and look back to see his smug face. I look back at the younger boy who has a smirk on his face, I'm slightly disappointed at his betrayal not going to lie.

"So... how do we go about this?" I ask the tense room.

"I'll give you two options, you pick one." The younger boy offers.

"Fair enough." I reply.

"One, you come willingly. Edger here wont do anything but guide you outside to the waiting car." Younger boy says, calling massive man Edger. 

"Not the biggest fan of that one, what's option two?" I ask.

"Edger knocks you out and drags you to the car."

"That doesn't sound too appealing either..." I draw out.

"You have 5 seconds." Younger boys says impatiently.

"You forgot option three." A new person interrupts, making all of us whip our heads to see them.

My jaw drops at the man stood in the doorway. He's pointing two guns, one at Edgar and one at the younger boy.


{24 Hours earlier}

"Guys calm down."

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