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The stranger was hunched over, his dirty blond hair hanging in his face as a devilish smirk played on his lips.

Genevieve swore her heart stopped as she looked into his eyes. His irises were a dark red, a deathly look in them as he took a step towards her.

Genevieve flinched as the stranger reached his hand out to her, his fingers brushing her short hair behind her ear. She could feel her palms start to sweat, her heartbeat echoing in her ears. She couldn't find any words as he leaned in, his eyes closing as he breathed deeply.

If Genevieve wasn't so terrified, she'd remark on how creepy he was being.

"I can see why she has taken an interest in you." His voice was low, causing goosebumps to appear on her arms.

Genevieve stared at him, eyes wide as she tried to process what was going on. "W-what are you talking about?" Genevieve surprised herself when she heard how steady her voice was, quivering only once.

The stranger chuckled, his fingers moving to brush against Genevieve's cheek. She jumped at the contact, his icy fingers chilling her to the core. "How sad. The creatures you've decided to surround yourself with have decided to hide the truth from you. They think keeping you naive will save you; but it's putting you in more danger." The stranger leaned in again, Genevieve squeezing her eyes shut as she felt his lips brush against her ear. "Tell them this is a warning. Next time, we'll take you."

And then he was gone.

Genevieve stood frozen for a second before collapsing on the ground, her legs giving out from under her.

She finally felt like she could breathe again. Her breaths came out ragged, tears stinging her eyes as she curled into herself.

She almost died.

And on top of it, she had no idea what was going on. Who the hell was that guy? What was he? And why was he so interested in her?

Genevieve didn't know how long she sat curled next to the couch - minutes? Hours?

All she knew is eventually her breathing started to even out. Just in time for someone to frantically knock on the door. Shakily, Genevieve stood and slowly made her way to the door. She pressed her hands against the door, leaning in to look through the peephole.

She should've felt relieved that it was only Edward, a girl standing behind with her arms crossed. But the stranger's words echoed through her head.

The creatures you've decided to surround yourself with have decided to hide the truth from you. They think keeping you naive will save you; but it's putting you in more danger.

She swallowed hard, hearing Edward's voice through the door. "Genevieve, please open the door. I promise, I'm here to keep you safe."

"What's going on Edward? I want the truth," Genevieve called. She pressed her forehead against the door.

She heard Edward sigh. "You'll have the truth. Soon, Genevieve."

Genevieve swung open the door, trying to keep her face neutral as she let Edward and the girl in, closing it behind. She watched as Edward went upstairs, worried that if she tried to follow, her legs would give out again.

"I'm Bella, by the way." Genevieve looked over at the girl, taking in her appearance. Her skin was pale, not Cullen pale - her cheeks held a flush to them as Genevieve looked at her. Her hair was a pretty shade of brown with eyes to match.

"I'm Genevieve." She pursed her lips, feeling a bit negative towards the girl who clearly upset Edward earlier. "Thanks for letting me know you couldn't drive me home, by the way."

Bella flinched, stuttering an apology. Edward re-entered the room before she could finish.

"It was the same vampire." Edward growled, pulling out his phone.

"I'm sorry, did you say vampire?!" Genevieve screeched, "a vampire came into my home and almost killed me. You realize how insane that sounds?"

Edward glanced at Genevieve before turning his back, raising the phone to his ear. Genevieve turned towards Bella, the older girl frowning.

"Vampires?!" She repeated.

Bella sighed, her brown eyes glancing towards Edward before turning back towards Genevieve. "Vampires are real. The Cullens are vampires, they don't eat humans they eat animals instead. They're the exception, most eat humans. A vampire came to my house, the same vampire that was here apparently. We don't know who it is."

Genevieve rubbed her palms against her jeans, trying to keep her cool. "Neat-o."

"Genevieve you need to come with us. I'm sorry," Edward said shortly as he walked out of the house, Bella following close behind.

"Come with you? Where? And for how long? If I'm not home when my mom gets back she's going to freak." Genevieve called out, lingering in the doorway. "I can't go."

Edward sighed, glancing around. "I'll send Emmett to keep watch, in case the intruder comes back."

Genevieve didn't say anything, watching as Edward and Bella walked to his car, driving off without another word. Genevieve felt her bottom lip wobble, feeling her anxiety spike again.

Closing (and locking) the door, she ran up to her room. She stopped in the doorway, brown eyes lingering on her bed, half unpacked boxes, the keyboard, and her desk. She frowned, slowly stepping in her room. She hated the violation that she felt in her room.

A stranger - a vampire -  was in her room. And she was completely helpless.

She shook her head, practically smelling the vampire's scent - cologne or whatever - linger in her room. She turned on her heel, running to grab the air freshener from the bathroom. She walked around the house, practically dousing it in air freshener, desperate to erase any trace of the intruder.

She was in the middle of spraying the living room when the front door opened. She turned quickly, sighing in relief when she saw her mother walk in through the door.

Lorelei dropped her keys off on the little table near the door, frowning at her daughter. "Are you spraying air freshener?"

"Yeah, I had the windows open and I guess there was a skunk around. Stunk up the house so I'm trying to get rid of it." Genevieve lied easily, her heart clenching at the ease of it. "How's the case going?"

Lorelei sighed, taking a seat on the couch. Genevieve sat next to her mother, leaning against her as Lorelei wrapped her arm around her daughter. "There's not much evidence. The kid was leaving a bar to go home one night and didn't make it. All his friends said he only had one beer. He has no reason to run away, at least none that anyone knows of. It's like he vanished in thin air." Lorelei sighed, running a hand through her daughter's hair.

"You'll find him, I know you will."

Lorelei brushed Genevie's hair out of her face. "How was your first day?"

Genevieve sighed, "it was fine. Exactly what I expected from being the new girl at a small school."

"It'll get better, I promise."

Genevieve nodded, sighing.

Lorelei sighed, retracting her hand before standing up. "You should get some sleep. You still have school tomorrow."

Genevieve watched as her mother walked up the stairs, waiting until she heard her bedroom door close. She slumped into the couch, rubbing her temples. She didn't even know how she was going to pretend everything was fine when a freaking vampire was after her.

She stood, walking absentmindedly towards the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, turning on the water to the shower before ripping her clothes off. Getting in the water, she scrubbed her body until it was red.

She had to get any traces of the intruder off of her.

She wanted to pretend like it never happened, but she couldn't. He was in her home. Everywhere she looked he was there.

And she knew he'd come back.

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