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School the next day went painfully slow.

It didn't help that everywhere she turned, Alice was there telling her how excited she was for the party. She tried to assure Genevieve that it was really just a small gathering, but Genevieve couldn't shake the feeling that she was walking into something she'd regret.

"Gen!" Genevieve jumped when Alice appeared next to her, hold cold hands grasping onto Genevieve's arm. Jasper lingered behind Alice, smirking bemused as he watched the two. "Are you ready!? Rosalie's letting us take you back to the house."

"She's letting you?" Genevieve couldn't help but be amused at her wording. She could see Rosalie reluctantly letting the bubbly Alice drive her at the risk of overwhelming the younger girl.

"You know how Rose is," Alice waved her hand, rolling her golden eyes. "Esme's making dinner for you and Bella tonight, so we'll get to hang out before it's ready. We'll do presents after dinner."

"Presents, Alice? That's completely -"

"There's no changing her mind when she's set on something," Jasper cut in, his smile apologetic. "Trust me, it's easier to go with it."

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that," Alice scoffed. Jasper winked at her, completely melting her features as she smiled brilliantly at him.

Genevieve smiled at the interaction, feeling her heart ache for a love like that. Her mind drifted to Seth, they were definitely on the road to something. Whether it was love or not, Genevieve thought it was too soon to know.

"We should get going," Alice pulled Genevieve through the school hallways, out to the parking lot. "Edward and Bella won't be by until dinner."

Genevieve climbed into the backseat of Alice's bright yellow porsche, the two vampires in the front seat. The whole car ride filled with Alice's questions towards Genevieve; the two never really have been left alone together before. She happily explained how her gift worked to Genevieve, the girl being curious about it ever since Bella had told her all about the Cullen's gifts so long ago. She even got Jasper to speak a bit about his gift.

"You know, it doesn't matter how many times I've been here, this house always blows me away." Genevieve commented as she followed Alice and Jasper up the stairs to the living room.

"Every time you tell Esme about it, she gushes about it for at least a few days." Jasper commented, glancing back at Genevieve who was looking around the house with wide eyes. Genevieve shot a brilliant smile towards Jasper, diverting her attention back to the numerous art pieces hanging on the wall.

"Happy birthday, Genevieve!" Genevieve was immediately bombarded by the vampires when they walked into the living room.

Esme was the first to get to her; her cold arms wrapped carefully around Genevieve. Genevieve hugged Esme back tightly, the hug fiercely reminding her of her mother. "Sixteen is a big year," Esme smiled kindly as she pulled away, cupping Genevieve's cheeks affectionately. "Rosalie told me you like chicken parmesan?"

"Is that what you're making?" Genevieve let out a small groan, "I've been craving it this whole week. Esme, you're amazing!" Esme pulled the girl into another short hug before releasing her.

"Happy birthday, Tiny!" Genevieve yelped as Emmett lifted her off the ground, throwing her over his shoulder.

"Emmett, no rough housing." Esme scolded, an amused smile on her face as she walked back into the kitchen.

Emmett laughed, Genevieve bouncing as his shoulders shook.

"Emmett put me down!" Genevieve laughed, flipping her hair out of her face.

"Rosie, she hates me. You take her." Emmett all but threw Genevieve towards Rosalie, causing her to scream again. Rosalie rolled her eyes as she caught Genevieve, the girl letting out an 'oof' as she landing in Rosalie's arms.

"You're a child," Genevieve glared at Emmett who responded by sticking his tongue out at her. Genevieve returned the gesture, laughing when Emmett did.

"Happy birthday, Eve," Rosalie said as she put Genevieve back on the ground.

The two turned when Alice cleared her throat. Rosalie rolled her eyes.

"Alice thinks I hog your attention," Rosalie commented, her tone annoyed. "She's just jealous you like me better."

"Because we haven't had a chance to hang out when you're always there!" Alice stomped her foot, reaching out to grab Genevieve's hand. "You can have her back after dinner," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. Rosalie rolled her eyes again, shaking her head at her sister's antics as Alice dragged Genevieve up the stairs.


"I'm giving you a makeover. You can't wear that to dinner." Genevieve frowned, looking down at her outfit. She didn't think anything was wrong with it; yes, jeans and a dark pink sweater was a bit casual, but she didn't think she looked bad.

"I thought you said tonight wasn't anything fancy." Genevieve sighed, sitting down in front of the vanity as Alice instructed her to do so.

"It's not fancy, Gen. It's just a bit nicer than jeans and a sweater." Genevieve sighed, taking Jasper's words to heart and decided to just let Alice do whatever she already set her mind to.

"What did you have in mind?" Alice gave a triumphant huff as she disappeared into the closet, only to come out a moment later with a light pink dress. It was a halter top, meaning her back was going to be exposed. "Alice."

"Trust me, it's just enough."

Genevieve slouched into the chair, sighing in defeat. "Fine, fine. You're lucky it's a cute dress. And I'm not wearing heels with it."


"That's where I draw the line, Alice. No heels."

Alice pouted, "fine. You're lucky I have some flats that would go perfectly with the dress."

"As if you didn't see me rejecting the heels," Genevieve snorted. "Please go easy on the make up too."

"Genevieve, trust me. You're going to look perfect."

Don't Let it Fall to Piecesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें