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Genevieve likes to think that she's a very forgiving person. She forgave Jacob after he was mean to her when they first met, and again after he told Genevieve that her relationship with Seth meant nothing that day on First Beach. She forgave her Aunt Millicent for what happened between them in Maine when she showed she was learning to be more open minded by standing by their side at the threat of the Volturi.

She will never forgive her father for what he did to her family.

That being said, there were two reasons why she picked up the phone when she saw her dad's caller ID flash on the screen. The first being Edward's nod of encouragement, although he didn't seem much happier about the fact that her father was calling either. The second (and much stronger than the first) was her natural curiosity (or as Matthew would say: the fact that she was nosey and loves drama).

"Genny, I wasn't sure if you were going to pick up."

Genevieve's cheeks flushed in anger, her free hand clenching into a fist. He was the only one who called her Genny, and she hated it. "I know what you and Thomas tried to do. You'd be smart to take your new family and move somewhere else. The Council will take you in when they find you."

"I know what it looks like, but if you knew what I did then you'd feel the same way about those Sirens that I do. Genny, they're not interested in being your family. They want to use you to get what they want."

"If you think that for one second I believe you, you're crazy!" Genevieve snapped. She felt Edward's hand move to her shoulder, and closed her eyes. She took a breath, trying to calm her anger. "How do I know that you're not making this up? Mom would -"

"Your mother tried to keep you away from them as long as she could, but when we separated she stopped believing that they would hurt you. The Council is as corrupt as those bloodsuckers that are after you. Your grandmother knew how powerful you could be the moment you were born; and when the Council caught word of it, they wanted to move us to Maine. They didn't care that you were only half, just as long as you were raised with the same ideals as them. They thought you were the key to keeping all the Sirens together and getting rid of the vampires. With a gift like yours, you could enchant or harm anyone you wanted."

Genevieve frowned, her heart echoing in her chest. She thought back to the comments everyone made at dinner on her first night in Maine. They way they stared at her in fear and awe after she accidentally shattered the glasses after snapping at her aunt. The way Matthew commented on how powerful she was since the first day they met.

"How do you know that?" Genevieve asked quietly.

"Syliva told your mother it was best that we stayed in Chicago. I didn't know the full extent until Thomas told me four years ago. He may be extreme, but all he wants is to protect his family."

Genevieve turned her head to look at Edward, her hands starting to get clammy and shake. He sat there, still as a statue, with a calculating look on his face. Genevieve could tell that he was trying to figure out if her father was telling the truth, but she knew he wouldn't be able to over the phone. There was only one person that could make her believe anything her father had to say.

"Genny, if you don't believe me ask your mother. She knows why your grandmother never wanted us to move back to Maine with them." He sighed over the phone, his voice dropping. "All I want is to keep you safe. Whether you believe me or not, you are my number one girl. Everything I do, I do it for you."

My number one girl. That's what he would call her all the time. That's what he'd cheer whenever she finished a ballet recital when she was small. That's what he said when she scraped her knee when he taught her how to ride a bike. That's what he said when he tried to get her to hear him out when Lorelei first decided to move away. He hadn't called her that since they last lived together. He didn't dare call her that when he bombarded her on her birthday.

But he said it now. And as strongly as Genevieve felt about her father, those words brought her back to when she was little and her father was everything to her.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Genevieve asked softly. "Why not when mom and I moved? Or when you tried to take me back?"

"Because I know the Volturi are coming for you. I can keep you safe from them and from the Council. I can keep you safe from them, Genny. It'll be you and I, just like it was before I messed everything up between us."

Genevieve closed her eyes in frustration. Even now, he was still trying to take her away from the people who felt like home to her. The people who genuinely love and care about her.

"I know it's a lot to take in," her father rushed before she could respond. "Ask your mother about the Council. I'll call again in two days. If you don't pick up then I'll know your decision. But consider it, Genny. I know you think those people care about you, but there's always going to be a risk when it comes to them. I'm the only person you'll truly be safe with."

Genevieve still held the phone to her ear when she heard the dial tone, knowing her father had already hung up.

Her mind swirled with thoughts. Suddenly, the room felt too warm to her. The fire crackling was too loud as her heartbeat echoed in her ears. The couch was too soft, she felt like she was sinking into the cushions. The lump in her throat sat heavily, making it hard to swallow. It made it hard for her to breathe. The lights in the room were too bright, making her head pound.

"Gen, I'm going to pick you up okay? We'll get you some fresh air." Genevieve managed to nod, Edward's voice sounding far away and soft. She jumped when she felt his cold hands, one lifting her from her legs, the other wrapped around her torso. They were gone in a second, a cool breeze brushing her hair away from her face as he set her down on the grass. She couldn't find  the strength to stand, so they sat on the grass. Edward sat with her, asking her to name things with her senses, focusing on each sense at time. He helped her control her breathing, and eventually the world became manageable again.

Genevieve sat cross legged, hands clenching the cold grass with her eyes closed. She muttered a small thank you before taking another deep breath.

"I can take you home," Edward said softly. Genevieve nodded, pulling her car keys out of her coat pocket. Edward held out his hands, helping her stand before taking the keys from her. Genevieve stuck by his side as they made the walk back to the house, Genevieve knowing they'd have to go around to avoid the vampires inside. She could feel Edward's careful eyes on her as she walked, her arms tucked into her coat pockets.

"Do you think he's telling the truth?" Edward asked softly.

Genevieve shook her head, biting the inside of her cheek. "I don't know. I have no reason to trust anything that he says - he left us and tried to get everyone killed for crying out loud! But I also know that the Council is messed up and my mother tried to keep me away for a reason. And everyone treated me weird when I was in Maine so he could be right about everything." Genevieve sighed, "I don't know. But I do know that I need to talk to her. Something isn't right and she's the only one who would know. What I do know is that there's no way in hell that I'm going to go anywhere with him. I'm not running away from my problems. I'm not going to be like him."

"He doesn't give you enough credit," Edward said. "You've surrounded yourself with people who would go to the ends of the Earth to keep you safe and support you. Even if he's right about the Siren Council, you'd be safer here with us than you could ever be with him."

Genevieve looked at Edward, her heart swelling with emotion. He wasn't saying anything she didn't already know. Her mother would do anything to keep her safe, Matthew would do the same. She knew Seth would stand by her side no matter what, doing anything necessary to make sure she was safe. The Cullens have already done so much to keep her safe, gathering witnesses to stand up against the Volturi was just the most recent. Rosalie being a guiding hand when she needed her, a rock for her throughout the whirlwind that became her life. Edward saved her from Victoria when he barely knew her.

Genevieve knew that no matter what the truth was, she was safest in Forks.

Genevieve knew where her place was, where her place will always be. And that was with her family and all the different supernatural creatures that it consisted of.

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