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Genevieve got the call that Bella had woken up two days later, one day earlier than expected.

She also didn't expect Bella to be the one who called her.

"So what's it like?" Genevieve asked as she poked at her cereal, her phone pressed against her ear. Her cereal had begun to get too soggy, losing all appeal it had.

"It's hard to explain. Like you know how when one light bulb is broken and you don't realize how dark the room was until you replace it with a new one? It feels like someone has replaced the broken bulb on all of my senses. Everything is so clear." Bella's voice was much more melodic now, her tone laced with confidence that wasn't there before.

"I see your love for a good metaphor hasn't changed," Genevieve rolled her eyes fondly. "I get what you're saying though. Kinda. It's hard to imagine everything changing like that."

"I know. It feels amazing though. I'm never going to be tired again."

"Unlike me who's tired all the time," Genevieve snorted. "And the thirst?"

Bella sighed, "honestly it's not that bad. They were worried I wouldn't be able to be around Renesmee but I'm fine with her. And Jake smells too bad for me to even think about his blood." Bella paused for a moment, as if hesitating. "We don't know how much control I'm going to have around you though. Edward told me that you smell better than a human."

Genevieve winced as she remembered Edward's words, her gaze drifting to the crescent-shaped scar on her wrist. "So I've heard. Rosalie doesn't want me over there until they're sure you can control yourself. Not to mention Jacob went absolutely berserk when I mentioned coming over to see you. Even Seth thought he overreacted."

"You know how he is," Genevieve could practically hear her rolling her eyes. "I also wanted to apologize about Seth. I didn't mean to hurt him."

Genevieve sighed. She could admit that when she heard that Bella threw Seth into a tree after finding out that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee, she was ready to give the newborn a piece of her mind. But Seth and Matthew talked her down (and while Leah didn't say anything, Genevieve knew she wouldn't support her reckless decision to go face to face with a newborn vampire) and after a lot of reassurance that Seth was okay, Genevieve finally let it go.

"I know you didn't. But next time, vampire or not, I'll kick your ass for hurting him."

"I know you will." Bella laughed over the phone. Genevieve realized then that she missed her friend. Her and Bella had always gotten along well, but they had just started to get close when Bella died. "How's your mom?"

"Stressed. She came back from the trip to the Council and told me they were literally going to force everyone into hiding before she got there and managed to calm them down. The vampire attacks really shook the community. They think the Volturi are trying to get rid of us, they're so paranoid. Mom thinks I can help keep them from going completely under because of my relationship with the Cullens. But that means throwing me right into what she's trying to keep me away from. We don't even know if they'll listen if I go." Genevieve sighed, dropping the spoon into the bowl before pushing it away. "Either way, I'm gonna have to go and deal with everyone judging me because I'm half human."

"Well you're gonna show them how wrong their prejudices are. Not only are you extremely powerful but you're also one of the kindest people I know. And if they can't see that, I'll kick their ass." Genevieve laughed, smiling softly. "Seriously, Gen, you're gonna be fine. And you'll have your mom there with you and we both know she isn't going to let any of that bullshit slide."

"I know," Genevieve sighed, feeling the unasked question float between them. "Charlie's worried about you. He's not going to give up hope that you're gonna pull through whatever sickness you told him you had."

"I know," Bella's voice was tight, like she was holding back tears. "I have to tell him tomorrow. And then it's time to move."

"Move? You guys are leaving?" Genevieve sat up straighter. Rosalie hadn't said anything about leaving yesterday when they talked.

"Carlisle said it's too risky to have me here after declaring my death. And they already look younger than they're supposed to be - people are starting to get suspicious."

"So you're just going to pack up and leave and then I'll never see you again? You're just gonna disappear?"

"Of course not! We just can't stay here anymore. Gen-"

"Right, no, I get it," Genevieve cut Bella off. She jumped when frantic knocking echoed through the house. "Listen, I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow." She didn't wait for Bella's response as she hung up the phone, jumping out of her chair and quickly making her way to the front door.

"Jacob?" Genevieve frowned when she opened the door, quickly stepping to the side when he all but stormed inside. "What happened?"

"They're just leaving!" Jacob snapped. "They're gonna disappear and then what? She's doing exactly what Edward did to her two years ago and she thinks it's fine!"

"That's not fair, Jacob and you know it." Genevieve crossed her arms as she followed Jacob into her kitchen. "People are starting to notice they're not getting older. And if someone sees Bella after they say she's dead? Their secret is at risk." She took a breath, "they won't disappear."

"Who are you trying to convince, Gen? Me or you?" Jacob scoffed as he turned to look at Genevieve. She winced under his gaze, knowing he had caught her red-handed. "That's what I thought. You don't believe them anymore than I do. I have to do something to stop them from leaving!"

"Like what?" Genevieve moved to stand in front of him when he started to make his way to the door. She held her hands up, putting them on his shoulders. "Jacob please, for once think things through before you do something."

Jacob sighed, gently moving her hands off her shoulders. "I have thought about it. And I know exactly what I have to do."

"Jacob!" Genevieve called after him, cursing under her breath as she watched him leave the house and disappear into the woods. Genevieve ran a hand through her hair for a moment as she stared at the woods before running back inside.

She ran to the kitchen, snatching her phone from the table, dialing quickly before holding the phone up to her ear.

The dial tone rang once before the other person picked up.

"Jacob's lost it. I don't know what he's trying to do but once he found out you were leaving he started talking about how he was going to do something to stop you guys from leaving and I tried to stop him but I couldn't-"

"Gen, stop! You gotta breathe."

Genevieve took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. "Sorry, but I don't know what to do. You know how Jacob is!"

"I know," Bella sighed over the phone. "But you also know as well as I do that when he disappears all we can do is wait for him to show up again."

Genevieve sighed, knowing that Bella was right. "Bella, I have a bad feeling about this."

Bella sighed, silent for a moment. "It'll be okay, Gen. I'll keep you updated if anything happens."

"Me too," Genevieve closed her eyes for a moment, feeling a headache coming. "Bye, Bella."

"Bye Gen."

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