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Genevieve had always wanted a sibling. She would always find kids around the neighborhood to play with, but when she went home she'd always be left alone. Sure, her parents always made sure that she was taken care of but they didn't usually have time to play with her. So, Genevieve was very comfortable with being alone but was always envious of her friends who went home to their brothers and sisters.

She had considered Jaime like a sister, but ever since moving it was harder for the two of them to stay as close as they were when they lived just a few blocks away.

She found an older sister in Rosalie; the vampire giving her advice and protection in a way that Genevieve always needed (even if she didn't want to hear it).

And then Matthew came along and Genevieve thought she'd be able to find the same sibling relationship that she had with Rosalie in Matthew, especially after how well he seemed to integrate himself into her family.

She was right in a way - she formed a sibling relationship with Matthew, it just wasn't what she expected.

At all.

"You don't get stage fright, right? I heard that if you do, all you need to do is picture everyone in their underwear and it'll make you feel better - although I'm not sure how because there are definitely some people that I'd never want to see in their underwear. Specifically Charlie. I get the whole 'country cop' aesthetic that he has going on but I don't need to picture him in his underwear cause then I'm gonna start thinking about him and your mom-"

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up?!" Genevieve snapped, turning away from her vanity to glare at the boy lounging on her bed. "I feel bad for whoever is going to be stuck as your Coresurio. If they end up killing you, I'm helping them hide the body."

"Nice, Gen. I'm glad I mean so much to you." Genevieve scoffed, turning back towards her mirror lifting her brush back to her eyelids, spreading the delicate gold eye shadow across the lid.

"Why are you even in my room? Shouldn't you go be getting ready? Charlie's gonna be here to pick us all up in an hour."Genevieve glanced at him through her mirror, sending a glare when he glanced over at her.

"All I have to do is put on my tux, my beauty is all natural." Matthew ran a hand through his hair, puffing out his chest.

Genevieve snorted, rolling her eyes. "How unfortunate."

Matthew glared at Genevieve, rolling his eyes as he stood up. "Just don't forget to cover that zit on your face."

"It's not a zit!" Genevieve yelled as Matthew ran out of her room, throwing her hairbrush after him, rolling her eyes as his laughter echoed through the house. She huffed, turning back to the mirror to inspect her face. "It's not a zit," she murmured as she took out her concealer.

It was the day of Bella's wedding, and as excited Genevieve was for Bella, she was also incredibly nervous. She was going to be singing Bella and Edward's first dance as a married couple. That alone was nerve wracking, but on top of it there were going to be vampires at the wedding too. Yes, Alice assured her that everything would be fine - but Edward always said that Alice's visions were subjective. They could change in seconds.

But, she promised Bella she'd do it.

And if she backed out now, Alice would kill her for ruining her meticulous planning when it came to the wedding.

Genevieve shook her head, finishing her makeup before moving to put on her dress.

Grabbing her small purse and nude heels, Genevieve brushed her loosely curled hair out of her face and left her room.

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