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Genevieve stared up at the starry sky, her head resting against Seth's chest as she listened to his heartbeat, head moving with the gentle the rise and fall of his chest. They were laying in her backyard, both exhausted from Genevieve's return and the small welcome back party they had. Of course, Alice had texted Genevieve saying that she wanted to throw her own welcome back party for her if Seth and Leah got to throw her one. Genevieve knew that the Cullens had as many questions as Seth and Leah did, if not more. And she'd answer them, eventually. But right now, she was content with laying under the stars with the boy she was helplessly in love with.

"I'm sorry I missed your birthday," Genevieve said softly, keeping her gaze on the starry sky.

"You called," Seth turned his head to look at Genevieve, eyes soft and understanding. "Besides, you had a lot more important things to take care of."

Genevieve tore her eyes away from the sky to look at Seth, a small frown on her face. "You're just as important, Seth. Your birth is a pretty big deal."

Seth grinned, pressing a light kiss to Genevieve's nose. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sure you'll find some way to make it up to me."

Genevieve rolled her eyes, hitting him playfully in the chest as he laughed. She sighed, snuggling into Seth's chest, breathing in the beautiful mix of rain and cinnamon. She bit her lip, realizing just how much she missed him. How much she missed his scent, the sound of his voice, his touch. "Mom is staying the night with Charlie and Matthew wants to go out with Leah. We'll have the house to ourselves." Genevieve peaked up at Seth through her eyelashes, glad that it was dark outside so Seth wouldn't see the redness in her cheeks.

Seth swallowed hard, keeping his gaze on the sky to avoid her gaze. "Oh, yeah?"

Genevieve bit her lip, sitting up and crossing her legs. She reached forward, taking Seth's hands in hers. "You know I love you, I don't want to push you into doing anything you don't want to. I just think it's important for us to be open about anything... sexual." Genevieve brushed her hair away from her face, cheeks burning, tugging at the scarf still wrapped around her neck. "I know what it's like to feel pressured into doing something you don't want to. Not that I've been pressured into sex!" Genevieve added quickly when Seth sat up quickly, eyes wide with concern. "Um, it's just that the guy I last dated wanted me to do things with him - to him - that I wasn't necessarily comfortable with at the time." Genevieve winced, shaking her head as she cursed under her breath. "What I'm trying to say is that whenever you're ready to do anything more than making out, I am too."

Genevieve sighed, closing her eyes in embarrassment. That was not how she wanted that conversation to go. Leave it to her nervous rambling to make things a lot more uncomfortable than it needed to be. She didn't know why she got so nervous after telling him they'd be alone in the house. She knew nothing would happen unless they both consented completely. She'd never put Seth in the situation she was when she first started dating Josh, the last guy she dated before moving to Forks. She'd never want Seth to feel pressured into doing something she wanted, or feel like he was wrong for not being ready. Seth deserved better.

"Evie." Genevieve bit her lip when she felt Seth's hands cup her face, his thumbs rubbing her cheekbones gently. She took a deep breath, immediately feeling a bit calmer with his touch. Genevieve opened her eyes when she felt herself relax a bit. She felt breathless when she locked eyes with Seth, her stomach erupting with butterflies when she noticed how gentle and loving his brown eyes were. She reached up, holding on gently to his wrists as he held her face.

"I love you, so much. You have no idea how crazy I am about you, in every way possible. It's just that... I'm a lot stronger than you, Evie. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you."

Genevieve frowned at the dejected look on her boyfriend's face as his hands moved to her shoulders. She reached a hand forward, brushing against his cheek gently.

"You could never hurt me," she said gently. "I trust you with every fiber of my being. Always."

Seth smiled gently, eyes glistening in the moonlight. His gaze flickered to Genevieve's lips, causing her to draw her bottom lip between her teeth. Seth leaned forward, Genevieve meeting him halfway until their lips connected. The kiss started slow, the two taking in each other's presence after being away from each other for so long.

And then Seth's hands moved to Genevieve's hips, tugging her closer gently as his tongue ran across her bottom lip. Genevieve's hands reached for the collar of Seth's sweatshirt, clutching the fabric tightly as their kiss became deeper, pulling him with her as she slowly laid back onto the grass. Her heart pounded in her chest as Seth's thumb brushed against her side, a pleasant shiver going down her spine as it slipped under the fabric of her shirt, his fingers trailing after, brushing against her skin.

Genevieve's hands tangled into Seth's hair as his lips left hers, peppering soft kisses down her neck. His hand reached up to tug the scarf out of the way, his entire body tensing as he jerked away from her. Genevieve cursed, her hand reaching up to cover the fading bruises on her neck. She bit her lip, a shiver going down her spine at the murderous look on her boyfriend's face.

"Who did that to you?"

"My uncle," Genevieve said quietly. "I was the one who found him trying to smuggle safe house locations out. When I tried to stop him he attacked me. My cousin, Eleanor, got my mom and my aunt and my uncle's been locked away since. It's really not that bad-"

"Evie, he could have killed you." Seth said slowly, tearing his eyes away from the bruises on her neck to look at her. "He deserves worse than just being locked away."

Genevieve sighed, shoulders sagging as she tugged the scarf off her neck. "Maybe, but that's all he's going to get right now. Can we please not talk about it right now? I just want to be us for a little bit longer before having to explain the whole situation to everyone."

Seth pursed his lips, his fingers brushing over the bruises gently. "Fine. But if I ever see him, I'll make sure he never lays a hand on you again."

Genevieve knew it wasn't on purpose, but Seth's touch sent a pleasant shiver down her spine, his words igniting a flame inside her. She leaned forward, hands tangled in his hair as she kissed him passionately, holding him as close as possible. Seth responded with as much fire as she did, breaking away to pepper gentle kisses on her neck.

A shuddered breath escaped her lips, eyes fluttering open, only to flutter back closed when his hand slipped under the cup of her bra. She tightened her grip on his hair, sucking in a breath between her parted lips.

She felt Seth's nose brush against her ear, turning her head so that her face brushed against his.

"I love you," Seth whispered lowly in her ear. Genevieve swallowed, eyes fluttering to look at Seth. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest at the intensity of his gaze, unable to keep the smile off her face. She reached down, letting her hand brush across Seth's cheek before tangling it back in his hair.

"I love you," She repeated. "So much."

Seth kissed her again softly. She laughed as Seth scooped her up, carrying her bridal style back inside the house, peppering her face with kisses as they made their way to her bedroom. They weren't a shifter and a Siren; one bound by his duties to protect humans and the other held to the responsibility of saving her kind from the threat her father and Uncle brought onto them. For a brief moment, they were just Genevieve and Seth, two teenagers madly in love with each other.

And that was enough for them.

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