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Rosalie began to spend a lot of time with Genevieve. The two becoming incredibly close since the incident.

Rosalie would be the one to spend time with her after school every other day when it was the Cullen's turn to be on 'Human Watch' so that Genevieve could spend time in her own home. Rosalie began to be the person to drive her down to the reservation when she had to be there for the wolves to watch over her. Rosalie was the one that Lorelei trusted the most out of the Cullen's to keep her daughter safe.

"If you don't text him, then I will." Rosalie rolled her eyes, watching as Genevieve open her phone for what felt like the hundredth time. Rosalie had just picked up Genevieve up from school, the two hanging out at Genevieve's home until Lorelei came home from work.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Genevieve said stubbornly as she threw her phone onto her bed. She slouched as she sat at the little bench in front of her keyboard, fiddling with her grandmother's necklace. Rosalie was sat in her desk chair, filing her already perfect nails.

"Don't act dumb, Eve. You and I both know that you want to text Seth so you can see him without having the rest of the dogs there with you." Rosalie rolled her eyes, her nose scrunching at the mention of the pack. "Do us both a favor and just ask him out already. We both know he's too afraid of scaring you off to do it himself."

Genevieve sighed, knowing Rosalie was right. When she had to spend time at the reservation, her and Seth would always end up flirting and wrapped up in each other. And every time, Seth would ask if it was okay for him to hold her hand or wrap an arm around her. Genevieve found it endearing, knowing he wanted to make sure she was comfortable with whatever they had, especially considering her hesitancy towards the supernatural world she'd been thrown into. But she also knew Rosalie was right; if she wanted things to move forward with Seth, she'd have to do something about it.

"Why do you have to be right all the time?"

"It's a gift," Rosalie smiled.

Genevieve huffed, quickly grabbing her phone and composing a text before she lost the confidence to do so. Hitting the send button, she all but threw her phone back onto her bed, staring at it with wide eyes.

"You know, a watched pot never boils," Rosalie hummed in amusement.

Genevieve threw a glare at Rosalie, about to remark when her phone chimed. Genevieve quickly snatched it, opening the text eagerly.

Seth Clearwater: I'd love to! I'll be over in 10.

"He's coming," Genevieve whispered. She turned to Rosalie with wide eyes, "now what?"

Rosalie snorted, "now you hang out with him. He already likes you so it's not like you have to worry about that."

Genevieve bit her lip, knowing Rosalie was right. "What if I completely embarrassed myself and he decides that I'm not worth his time?"

"Eve, I cannot tell you how many times Emmett has embarrassed himself in front of me and been embarrassing for me. If you can't be yourself then there's no point in a relationship," Rosalie rolled her eyes. Her expression softened, "you'll be just fine. I promise."

Genevieve swallowed hard, nodding. She shook her head, trying to calm her nerves.

She shouldn't be nervous about hanging out with Seth. They'd hung out before, it wasn't like this was any different.

Except now we'll be alone.

Genevieve jumped when she heard the knock at the front door.

"Come on," Rosalie rolled her eyes with an amused smile. She hooked her arm with Genevieve's, all but dragging to girl to the front door. "Let me know if you need anything. I expect to hear about this tomorrow,"

Genevieve rolled her eyes, "okay Rosie."

Genevieve stood next to Rosalie as the vampire swung open the front door, watching as her honey eyes narrowed in judgement. Rosalie's pink lips pursed, making the boy in question shift uncomfortably.

"Hi Seth!" Genevieve greeted, smiling brightly.

Seth's gaze turned to Genevieve, his expression brightening considerably. His brown eyes twinkled as he grinned back at the girl, "hey Evie."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Eve." Rosalie glanced between the two, a small, almost unnoticeable, smile on her lips. She nodded at Seth, but said nothing more as she walked out of the house.

"Bye Rosalie!" Genevieve called before Rosalie disappeared into the woods. Genevieve glanced at Bella's house, noticing that Edward's car was parked neatly on the street. "Come on in."

Genevieve led Seth into her home, the two settling onto the couch as Genevieve turned on the TV.

"I didn't know you were close with Rosalie," Seth commented as he made himself comfortable on the couch.

Genevieve shrugged, moving to drape her legs over Seth's lap. "It's a recent development. She was there when I found out about the whole Siren thing and just kind of stuck around since. She's good company and I'm really grateful for her presence through all of this."

"I'm glad you have her then." Seth rested his hands on her knees, his thumbs absentmindedly rubbing circles against the fabric of her jeans. Genevieve tried to ignored the soothing gesture. "How are you doing? With everything going on?"

Genevieve sighed, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "All things considered, I'm okay. I mean, I've had to quickly come to terms with everything that's going on so I can deal with it. Things have changed so much in such a short amount of time." Genevieve paused, locking eyes with Seth. "I feel like I'm not the same girl I was in Chicago."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Seth asked softly. "You're growing as a person. You know more than you did back then."

Genevieve swallowed, feeling her heart skip a beat as his eyes held onto hers.

You're allowed to have feelings for someone. Not everyone is going to break your heart like he did.

Jamie's words echoed in her head. Ignoring her pounding heart, Genevieve moved so that she was sitting right next to Seth, her shoulder brushing against his as she turned to face him. She could feel the heat radiating off of his body.

"Yeah," Genevieve nodded slowly. "I think it is a good thing."

Genevieve felt her face flush as she and Seth watched each other, as if daring the other to make a move. She slowly lifted her hand, hesitating for a moment before placing it on his cheek.

His skin was soft, almost hot to the touch. Genevieve felt the warmth of his skin burn against her hand, the feeling warming herself. She licked her lips nervously, caught in his brown eyes. The setting sun peeking through the windows making them brighter, almost a honey color.

You're allowed to have feelings for someone.

"Seth," Genevieve whispered. She noticed how they were leaning into each other, as if drawn together like magnets.

Not everyone is going to break your heart like he did.

"I really like you."

The words hung in the air. Genevieve held her breath, feeling completely vulnerable as she watched Seth's face as it softened considerably, but there was another expression hidden. Genevieve didn't like the idea that he was keeping something from her, but pushed the thought away.

"I really like you too, Evie."

Genevieve felt her chest lighten considerably. She bit her lip, keeping the smile at bay. She leaned in closer, her eyes fluttering shut when she felt her nose brush against his.

And then Seth met her halfway, his lips finding hers. 

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