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Genevieve choked on a scream as Riley moved forward to attack, only to be taken out when Seth attacked first, emerging from the treeline. She gripped Bella's arm tightly as she watched Seth easily grab hold of Riley's shoulder, the vampire groaning in pain as he struggled against the wolf. Seth ripped Riley's hand off, snarls ripping from his chest as Riley screamed out in pain.

"You won't get another chance like this again!" Edward screamed. Genevieve's attention snapped towards Victoria, who had begun to run away. Her body was frozen, her back towards the others. Slowly, she turned around as Edward took steps forward. "You want her! You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash." Genevieve watched in horror as Victoria's face grew more murderous with each word Edward spoke, trembling with anger. "When I turned him into nothing."

Victoria let out a scream as she lunged at Edward. The two slid onto the ground, Victoria standing to lunge at Bella before Edward grabbed her from behind, clutching the jacket she wore, throwing her across the clearing. Victoria landed gracefully in a tree, climbing higher up it.

Edward ran towards Bella and Genevieve, grabbing both of them as he began to usher them away. Genevieve could feel her heart pounding in her chest, icy fear running through her veins. He shoved Bella further as he ran towards the tree Victoria was in, pushing it down. Bella ran further back, pulling Genevieve behind her as the two watched helplessly.

Genevieve glanced back towards Seth and Riley, breathing heavily. She let her attention be brought back towards Victoria when she saw Seth still had the upper hand on Riley.

Edward tackled Victoria, easily pinning her down as she struggled under him.

Genevieve turned when she heard a crash, a scream coming from her throat when she saw Riley stalking towards them, Seth lying on the ground against a boulder. The three vampires winced for a moment at the sound, quickly shaking it off. Riley pulled Edward off Victoria, the two working together to quickly over power Edward.

Bella lunged forward, dropping to her knees as she fumbled for something on the ground. Genevieve gasped when Bella grabbed a sharp rock, standing tall as she stared at the vampires, determination firm on her face.

Genevieve instantly knew what Bella was doing. She was going to distract them with her blood, just like the Third Wife did in Billy's story.

I have never tasted anything like your blood before. I didn't want to stop.

Edward's words echoed in her ears as she stared wide-eyed between Bella and the struggling vampires. She knew she could use her powers without risking Edward's safety, she wasn't in control enough for that. She couldn't use her voice, but she had something else that was just as valuable in that moment. 

Genevieve grabbed Bella's wrist, holding out her own arm towards the girl. If Bella's blood would distract them, her blood would drive them crazy.

"Do it."

Bella's eyes widened for a moment before she nodded. She grabbed Genevieve's arm, lifting the sleeve of her coat before pressing the rock to her forearm. Genevieve winced as Bella dragged the rock sharply across her flesh, thankful for the adrenaline running through her system. Genevieve watched the dark blood run down her arm, dripping into the white snow for a moment before turning her attention back to the vampires, Bella still holding her arm tightly.

Both Riley and Victoria inhaled sharply, their eyes instantly turning dark with thirst as they stared at Genevieve's bloodied arm.

Edward acted quickly, throwing the two off of him before moving to attack Riley. He threw Riley across the clearing, earning a large thump as the boy crashed against the boulder. Genevieve gasped in relief as Seth emerged, growling as he grabbed onto Riley's shoulder.

"Victoria!" Riley screamed, unable to fight off Seth with only one hand. "Victoria!"

Victoria ignored Riley, turning towards Bella and Genevieve. Her eyes were drawn to Genevieve's arm, dark with thirst. "Finally."

Edward grabbed Victoria as she lunged, the two fighting at a speed that made Genevieve's head spin.

Or was that the blood loss?

Genevieve flinched as Edward threw Victoria's body to the ground, feeling her stomach churn as she stared at Victoria's decapitated body. She pointed kept her gaze away from the head that lay next to the body, turning her attention to Edward.

Edward walked towards the girls, quickly ripping off a piece of Bella's flannel. He took Genevieve's arm, carefully tying the fabric around the cut, his face scrunched in concern. Genevieve winced at the contact but thankful for the makeshift bandage. 

The three turned at the noise behind them. Genevieve breathed in relief as Seth emerged from the woods, seemingly unharmed.

"Seth," Genevieve stepped forward, brushing past Edward as she threw herself at the wolf. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly. Seth held on to her tightly, burying his face into her neck as he breathed her in. The two held each other for a moment, relishing in the fact that they were both alive.

"Alice needs us to go," Edward shook his head, taking a lighter out of his pocket. "Now." He threw the lighter on Victoria, the corpse easily catching on fire. "Seth, take her back to the reservation. Carlisle will check on her arm as soon as he can."

Genevieve turned, moving away from Seth to meet Bella halfway for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry," Bella murmured quietly. Genevieve didn't need to ask what for. She knew that Bella felt responsible for bringing her into danger, but Genevieve knew that it wasn't Bella's fault. 

"We're both alive," Genevieve shook her head, resting her forehead against Bella's shoulder. "It's okay."

Bella pulled away, moving back towards Edward. "Thank you, Genevieve." Edward said before lifting Bella, and then disappearing.

Genevieve stared at the spot they were for a moment before glancing at the burning corpse. She felt like she could finally breathe. As far as she was concerned, it was over.


Genevieve spun around, her bottom lip trembling as she watched Seth walk up to her, only now noticing that he was wearing only cargo shorts and sneakers. Seth gently reached forward, grabbing her arm gently.

"A Siren's blood is more tempting to vampires than a human's," Genevieve explained softly, letting her gaze fall on her arm. "And Victoria's already had a taste. I figured her and a newborn wouldn't be able to resist."

Seth didn't say anything, only pulling Genevieve close to him, wrapping his arms around her. Genevieve immediately wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face in his chest. Within the safety of his arms, Genevieve let herself cry, the adrenaline wearing off as she realized what she had just faced.

"I thought she was-" Genevieve choked on her words. Seth held her tighter, pressing a light kiss on the crown of her head.

"She's not going to hurt you anymore." Genevieve glanced up at Seth, sniffling as she watched the glare he was aiming at Victoria's burning corpse soften as he glanced down at her. "It's over."

Genevieve nodded, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her jacket. She reached up, standing on the tips of her toes, bringing Seth into a soft kiss. She was suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of relief, glad that everyone she cared about was now safe. She didn't have to constantly look over her shoulder anymore. She could actually live her life as a carefree 16 year-old.

"Come on," Seth murmured as he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. "Let's get you back home."

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