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Bella came back the next day

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Bella came back the next day.

Genevieve was surprised when Bella ran straight to Rosalie, the vampire keeping an arm around a still human Bella. She was confused as to why Edward stormed into the house, yelling for Carlisle to 'get rid of it'. She hated the fact that everyone around her seemed to know exactly what was going on and didn't feel the need to clue her in. It wasn't until Bella settled into the living room couch that Genevieve finally understood what was going on.

Bella was pregnant - no one knew it was even possible - but she was. Edward wanted her to abort the fetus since they didn't know what affect it was going to have on Bella. Bella wanted to keep it and had turned to Rosalie for protection. Of course, Rosalie wanted nothing more than to protect the fetus.

Bella had unintentionally split the family in two - those who supported Bella, and those who didn't.

Genevieve didn't know what to do. Of course she didn't want Bella to risk her life to go through with the pregnancy based on a small sliver of hope that Carlisle will be able to change her before her heart gives out. But she wasn't going to tell Bella what to do with her baby. That was a decision that was up to Bella. Was she going to blindly protect Bella like Rosalie? Of course not. But was she going to stick her opinion where it didn't belong? No, no she wasn't.

Which was how she got roped into the middle of everything.

Since she knew about Bella's pregnancy, the Cullens had asked her to keep it from Seth. Telling him would risk the rest of the pack finding out, which would put Bella in danger. None of them knew how the pack was going to react to Bella's pregnancy, but they knew it wasn't going to be good. 

So, she had to put distance between them. Seth couldn't come near the house without the risk of him catching Bella's scent, and she didn't want to go down to the reservation with the risk of running into any of the other guys. She hated lying, and knew that she wouldn't be able to lie to Seth if he asked. So she started avoiding him altogether. She never got to see Seth anymore, and the constant arguing in the house was starting to wear on her nerves.

Not to mention that Bella was literally wasting away before her eyes and there was nothing that could be done about it. Genevieve did her best to help Bella with the pain, singing lullabies for her to let her rest. And once the bump on her stomach was large enough, Genevieve focused on soothing the erratic kicking that bruised Bella's ribs.

The more pregnant Bella got, the louder the arguments became.

Edward was very adamant that Bella terminated the pregnancy, Alice and Jasper were fully supporting him. They would argue all the time with Rosalie and Bella, the two refusing to let them anywhere near the baby. Emmett supported Rosalie, but refused to say whether or not he believed Bella would make it out of the pregnancy alive.

Esme and Carlisle remained in the middle, respecting Bella's decision but not encouraging it.

Bella's pregnancy progressed very quickly. She'd only been back a week and the baby bump was extremely noticeable - from what Genevieve overheard, Carlisle believes she's already in her second trimester. Bella's body couldn't keep up with the growth of the baby.

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