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"Trouble sleeping?" Genevieve looked over at her mom, swallowing hard.

"Just a bit. It's nothing," she replied, looking back out the car window.

Of course, it wasn't nothing. She couldn't sleep without picturing him in her home again. This time he was there to finish what he came there for. And if it wasn't him then it was Edward. Or Emmett.

Never Alice though, she mused. Or Jasper.

"You need your sleep, Eve. What's bothering you?"

"Just school. Anxiety I guess." Lie. "It'll get better once I get used to the school."

"You know you can talk to me about anything." Genevieve looked over at her mother, wishing nothing more than to confine in her. Ever since she was young, Genevieve always had both her parents. And now it was just the two of them.

Which is why she had to keep everything to herself. She had to keep her mother safe.

"I know," she said softly.

They sat in silence until Lorelei pulled into the school. "Are you okay with Bella driving you again?"


"Sure," Genevieve nodded. "You know, I need to start driving again. I turn 16 in a couple weeks, and I need my license."

"I know baby," Lorelei reached over to brush Genevieve's hair away from her face. "You can start driving to school then."

Genevieve smiled, hoping it looks natural. "I'll see you when you get home work. Love you."

"Love you too, Eve."

Genevieve hopped out of her mother's car, taking a quick glance around the parking lot. Her heart jumped when she saw them staring at her. Edward held Bella close to him, Jasper doing the same with Alice. She could tell they'd been talking about her; she'd seen the look on their face plenty of times on the students of Forks High School.

She turned on her heels, escaping their gaze into the safety of the school.

She spent most of the day avoiding the Cullens and Bella. She knew she'd have to face them eventually - Bella was driving her home after all - but until then, she'd pretend vampires didn't exist for as long as she could.

When Genevieve stepped out of the school, she was surprised to see Bella leaning against an old, orange pick-up truck. She recognized it instantly, having seen it parked outside Bella's house all the time. Honestly, she was surprised it still worked.

"No Cullens?" Genevieve asked as she approached Bella.

Bella shook her head. "They left early to try and track the intruder. I have a friend coming over to help out."

"And by friend do you mean another vampire?" Genevieve asked, climbing into the truck with Bella.

"Not everyone is a vampire, Genevieve." Bella rolled her eyes, starting the engine as soon as the younger girl clicked her seatbelt. The old truck sputtered to life ungracefully, making Genevieve cling to her seat a bit tighter. "Jacob turns into a wolf." Bella said casually as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Genevieve turned her head towards Bella slowly, her jaw threatening to drop. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the small smile on Bella's lips. "You're joking."

"I'm really not," Bella shook her head.

"Alright, what else is there? Fairies? Mermaids? Witches?"

"I don't think any of those exist," Bella shrugged. "I've only dealt with vampires and werewolves."

"Only," Genevieve muttered as she sunk further into the seat.

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