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The next thirty seconds happened quickly. Genevieve didn't have time to think when Thomas's hand moved from her cheek to her throat, his grip squeezing tightly. Genevieve's hands went up to Thomas's wrist, gasping for breath as she clawed at him. She could hear Eleanor's shouts in the back of her mind, but couldn't focus on anything as his other hand wrapped itself around Genevieve's neck.

She dug her nails into his flesh, bringing her knee into his stomach with all the force she could muster. She gasped as she fell to the ground, her throat raw as she greedily sucked in air. Genevieve didn't have a moment before her uncle lunged at her. She threw her elbow out, wincing as it collided with his nose, a sickening crack following after. She lifted her leg, giving her uncle a swift kick as he cradled his nose in his hand. The man toppled over crashing against the desk.

Genevieve scrambled to her feet, her hand clutching her throat. She took a heavy breath, letting out a shrill scream when she felt herself being tackled to the ground, rough hands once again around her neck.

She screwed her eyes shut, seeing stars behind her eyelids as her brain began to feel fuzzy. She tried kicking her legs up, whimpers coming out as choked sounds when the pressure around her neck increased.

Genevieve could feel herself slipping out of consciousness, a ringing echoing through her ears when suddenly the pressure was gone. She coughed roughly, her throat screaming in pain as she turned to her side, almost collapsing in relief when she saw her mother and Millicent pinning Thomas down through her blurred vision.

Genevieve jumped when two hands touched her shoulders, her chin wobbling when she turned to see Matthew. She reached for him, the boy quickly lifting her in his arms, effortlessly carrying her out of the room. She buried her face in his shoulder, as she closed her eyes tightly.

She refused to let any tears fall until the two of them had reached her room.


The next two weeks went by in a blur to Genevieve.

Thomas was apprehended for attacking her as well as trying to steal a list of safe houses and smaller communities outside of Maine. If it weren't for Genevieve he would've taken them. The Council didn't want to believe he did it, for a moment they pointed their fingers at Genevieve, but the bruises around her neck quickly shut down any accusations they wanted to make. The Council put Thomas on trial, lasting an entire week until he finally confessed to conspiring with Geraldo to scare the Sirens into hiding. He proved to be a man deranged enough to think giving away the location of Sirens would be the solution to keep his family safe.

Analise had no idea what her husband was up to until his transgressions were made public during the trial.

Thomas was to be locked away, the Council agreeing that he knew too much for him to be exiled. This way, he'd be under constant supervision and couldn't put others at risk with his knowledge. Analise moved in with Millicent and Gwendolynn, at least until the baby would be born.

No one knew where Geraldo was. Genevieve shivered at the thought of her father working with vampires, still out there plotting.

Eleanor had finally stopped apologizing to Genevieve for putting her in danger, but Genevieve reminded her that if she didn't a lot of Sirens would be in danger - or probably dead. Genevieve would do it all over again if she had to.

Genevieve walked away from the fight with her uncle with nasty, purple and yellow bruises around her throat. Thomas explained during the trial that he didn't want Genevieve to use her power against him, so he went for her throat. It was effective; Genevieve couldn't talk for almost a week because of how sore her throat was. When she finally could talk, her voice was hoarse and sore.

Genevieve never felt more relief than when her mother walked in and told her they'd be going back to Forks the next day.

So there she was, alone for the first time since the incident, packing her clothes away. She jumped when there was a soft knocking on her door, running a hand through her hair as she took a deep breath to calm herself down.

She was surprised when she opened the door to a small woman. Her face was wrinkled, gray hair cropped short but brown eyes sparkling with life. Genevieve instantly recognized her from Thomas's trial.

Thea Marena was head of the Council, the role having been passed to her after Sylvia passed away and Lorelei denied the title.

"Thea," Genevieve whispered, her throat protesting even at the softness of her voice. She cleared her throat uncomfortably.

"If I may have a moment, Genevieve." Thea rested her hand gently on Genevieve's wrist, following the girl into her room. Thea walked with an air of elegance and grace, rivaling the grace she saw whenever Rosalie walked. Thea didn't quite glide like Rosalie, but she came close. "I'll make this quick as I know you are still recovering from the altercation. I was close friends with your grandmother when she was alive. She saw great things in you, Genevieve. You should have heard her boast about you when you were a child. It's a shame your mother didn't have the better sense to raise you here with us," Thea chuckled softly as she brought her hands to rest over her heart. "I understand that you have a life in Forks that you adore, but should you ever wish to return to us we will welcome you with open arms. As the granddaughter of Sylvia Ceto, you will be treated with the respect you deserve. I'm not going to try and convince you to stay with us, I know better than that. I just wish to have you back in our community - if you want to explore how far you can go with your power, this is the only place you can do that. With our guidance, the proper guidance, you can live up to the potential your grandmother saw in you."

Genevieve frowned, crossing her arms. She knew exactly what Thea was implying - Lorelei wasn't enough to train Genevieve. Thea believed that Lorelei would be holding Genevieve back. And Genevieve realized as she stared at the elder, she'd rather be loved fully and completely than to have reached her 'full potential' with her powers. Nothing in the community was worth abandoning her life in Forks.

"Thanks," Genevieve rasped, a fake smile plastered on her face. "But there's nothing here you can teach me that I can't learn with my mother. I've outgrown this place."

Thea's smile dropped to a scowl for a moment before she wiped any emotion from her face. "Very well. Safe travels, Genevieve." Thea spoke coolly, turning her back and left Genevieve alone in the room.

The girl rolled her eyes, turning back to her packing.

She couldn't wait to be back in Forks.

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