He's Not So Bad... (Makorra)

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Summary: Korra is a headstrong athlete who usually always shows her brawn side and never backs down from any challenge. Mako, is also a popular, well admired athlete and is none short of fangirls. When Korra gets toe to toe with Mako, she also meets the bite of his followers.

A/N: Lol I really need to stop putting (makorra) after each title-my collection is like 99.9% makorra :P
to make up for the last one shot's...wonderful effects, I made another one for lols and awws. it's modern AU ;) sorta cliche too but whatevs. Not to be taken seriously, but still there for the enjoyment of reading!

"Alright, great power play, Korra!" Opal, her teammate grinned. "Soon, we'll show them that we can play soccer just as good as the guys!"

Korra laughed. She felt her other teammate, Howl, pat her back, causing her to wince. "Hey, easy." She laughed.

After the gym finally cleared, Korra exited the change rooms in her normal clothes. Adjusting her sneakers, she made her way to the cafeteria.

'I wonder if Bolin's out of Drama class yet...that Varrick is always so insistent on finishing his lessons!'

Shrugging, the teen entered the large space alone, as the student body was already flooding the vast room.

Korra sighed. "I'll just save Bolin a spot...as always," she said, before smiling to herself and grabbing a tray.

"You talkin' to yourself, tomboy?" A sour voice came from behind her.

Korra frowned. "What?"

"I saw your lips mumblin'." One of the football jockeys smirked. "I bet you were rejected by the cheerleader's table again."

Korra simply turned away. She always had to deal with these sweating jerks. And she hated their so called 'leader' the most.

Mako was the most self-centered guy ever! He never spoke, unless it was a very hushed tone. Korra hated his know-it-all, alpha male attitude. And he doesn't even keep his sponge-for-brain lackeys in check.

"I don't even want to hang around them. Their overused perfume makes bugs drop dead." Korra retorted with a final huff, a smirk curling on her lips before turning around, and following the lineup along the counter.

Their words slightly bother Korra, but they only target her because she makes herself known. Opal sticks low, but Korra's ready to fend for herself.

Korra then felt the slight pull of gravity on her hands. Food was on her tray, and she was zoning out. With a hasty grin, she quickly moved away and slowed afterward, eyes scanning for a vacant table.

The lunch ladies finally packed up the leftovers and exited, closing the kitchen for that lunch timeslot.

Her lips narrowed into a grimace once she saw Mako sitting at his table, swarmed with beautiful girls and muscled guys. As usual.

Just as she saw Bolin and Opal enter the cafeteria, her legs began moving and her eyes lit up.

And her foot got caught with someone else's ankle and she gasped, balance wavering. Then, a hand shoved her, as the last blow.

Korra yelped as she hit the ground, tray flying and her food container skidding across the ground. She clenched her fist when she heard laughing.

Slowly standing up, she saw that water was soaking her shirt and arms. Her water bottle obviously didn't survive the fall.

Bolin and Opal hastily ran to her as the half the cafeteria grew silent. She gritted her teeth as her hair-which used to be in a ponytail-was slowly falling out of its hold.

Sparks (Oneshot Collection)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें