Candle's Glow (Makorra)

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Summary: During the 6 months of their time, Mako gave Korra a special gift for her 18th birthday.

They didn't have to rent an entire ballroom for her birthday. The banquet wasn't necessary.

But, she was the Avatar, and the Avatar is important.

Here she was, sitting at the dinner table, alone, as guests danced and chatted.

Mako was stolen for a dance with Asami, and Korra was too exhausted to join.

She stirred her fruity drink and sighed. She appreciated everything-but people didn't need to waste time on her.

Then, Mako emerged from the crowds of people and sat next to her, reaching for her wrist. "Now, why is such a beautiful girl sitting by herself on her own birthday?"

Korra jutted out her bottom lip and scooted closer to her lover. "I had fun, but I'm just...tired,"

Mako quirked an eyebrow. "Too tired for my present?"

Korra snapped her gaze towards his. "What present? I thought I said you didn't have to?"

"Like I'd listen."

Korra smiled, and relaxed her shoulders. "Right. I'm sorry, it's just...this party didn't need to become a huge event, I's just me."

Mako shrugged. "Exactly."

Confused, Korra withdrew her hand. "I'm the Avatar, that's why..."

"And, because you're amazing and talented," Mako teased.

Korra blushed to the fact that he was flirting with her so openly.

"So...that present," Mako shook his head. "I wanna give it to you on the balcony-is that alright?"

Korra stood and stretched. "Of course-anything to get some fresh air too."

Mako led her to one of the glass doors and they stood at the balcony, overlooking the picturesque skyscrapers of the city.

He turned toward her, warm air blowing a soft breeze against her. His eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight and the glow of the city lights below.

"I know the present may not seem much," Mako reached in his coat. "But...I wanted to show how much I love you."

He handed her a slightly rumpled, yet ever-blooming panda lily, its contrasting colours vibrant against all the highlights and lowlights in the setting.

It was perfect.

"Mako," Korra whispered.

He gently held her hands, pressing the stem to her palms. She felt the petals. It was real.

Katara used to tell her stories about lovers giving this flower-that they truly have feelings for one another.

Korra was overwhelmed that she didn't realize tears pricked at her eyes. Mako chuckled at her emotional state and took the flower, carefully adorning it into her hair.

"You look gorgeous," Mako grinned, and Korra just wanted to tackle him because she loves him so much.

"Thank you," Korra kissed him repeatedly. It was a true gift to recieve a rare memorabilia such as the panda lily. "I love you so much,"

Mako nuzzled her hair as he continued to hold her, the air brushing their warm skin.

"This is the best present ever. You didn't have to," Korra's voice cracked as the widest smile was on her face.

"But I wanted to," Mako replied.

Korra closed her eyes as he continued.

"If legends are real, then we will be together, and we will always love each other." Mako murmured. "I do love you."

"I love you too. With all my heart."


A/N: so I got a couple comments saying they would be okay with a smutty one shot.
I started it, but again. ANYONE, who is not comfortable, should not read it or should address it to me in the comments :)

Thank ye and enjoy this oneshot
(I swear im like on the last sentence for WTRC !!!!)


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