Admirer (Makorra)

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Summary: Korra and Mako promise each other a special agreement on Valentine's Day. Child AU.

Korra frowned as she saw her best friend recieve another pink card, as the group of girls giggled while walking away.

"Why do girls have to make such a big deal over valentine's day presents?" Korra pouted as they walked around the neighborhood.

"I don't know," Mako shrugged, blindly folding the card and throwing it in a nearby trash can.

"Why did you throw it out?"
Bolin leapt up and peered into the garbage, frowning at the disconcern Mako had for the girls' presents.

"I don't like those girls back. So i throw them away."

"How could you be so mean?" Korra giggled.

Mako huffed as they reached their house. "Well, I can't be freaking out over girls I don't even like."

Korra blushed. "Yeah..."

"We'll see you tomorrow, Korra!" Bolin waved as they entered their house.

Korra clutched the straps of her backpack, following Mako's movements before walking inside her own house.


"What are you making, Korra?" Senna smiled at her daughter.

Korra flushed red. "A card," she murmured.

"Ooo, for who?" Tonraq raised an eyebrow.

"Mako," Korra replied. "But, I wanna give it as a surprise. Mako throws out the cards if he doesn't like the girls. If i give mine, he might keep it." She blushed.

Tonraq shot a knowing look toward Senna. "You like Mako?"

Korra gasped. "Don't say it so loud!"

Senna chuckled.

"Don't worry. As long as you don't get too crazy over boys, alright?" Tonraq smirked.

Korra pouted, finishing up her card and trudging to pull on her small snow boots.

She bid her parents a quick goodbye before bolting oht the door and crossing the snowy lawn to Mako's house.

Carefully, she knocked on the door, criticizing her card as she waited.

She heard the door open, and she saw him. Korra peered up to match his eyes, height differences a huge problem.

"I-Happy Valentine's day!" Korra blurted out, arms shaking.

Mako felt heat prick at his cheeks, and he carefully pulled the decorated paper out of her hands.

"Just read it!" Korra crossed her arms.

Mako scanned the front before opening it, surprised at the amount of hearts in the card.
Korra didn't seem like a girly girl-but it was nice to see.

'I like you, Mako! Do you like me back?'

"You're gonna throw it...aren't you..."

Mako shook his head, grinning and pulling her into a hug.

"I would never throw this one away."

Korra smiled, giggling as she reached up on her small toes to hug her best friend back.

"When we're older, we can be like my mom and dad," Korra laughed.

"Or mine," Mako added, crossing his arms and smirking.

"When we're older, 'kay?" Korra beamed at him.



A/N: ....?
What did i just write

Lol well this should make up for the emotional wreck that is the oneshot before this one

Enjoyyyy its 1am and im tired whoo


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