Excuses (Makorra)

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Summary- Mako walks in on Korra dancing.

"Secret Tunnel!"

"Secret Tunnel!"

Korra jived and swayed her hips to the lively song, as she made comical movements with her arms.

She threw her curtains open and blasted the radio louder, as she struck a pose in the vanity mirror.

She bopped her hips leg and right, swinging her arms in rhythm.


Korra stomped and flipped her hair, humming in rhythm, so into the music that she didn't hear the door slide open.


Korra whirled around and gasped, stopping her solo-rave-session. "H-Hey Mako,"

Mako raised an eyebrow. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing?" She questioned warily. "How much d-did you see?"

Mako shrugged nonchalantly. "An amount."

Mako held back his smirk when she flushed an adorable fire-engine-hue, and she turned into a blushing, stammering mess, with the blasting radio playing in the background.

"I was excersizing, and t-there was a bug on me and-" She paused. "And then I hit the radio and it turned on,"

She blushed more as a more slower song crooned over the speaker, exactly when Mako started walking to her, slowly.

He had a crooked smile on his face.

"I-I swear I'm telling the truth," She crossed her arms and felt her face heating up.

Mako chuckled and shook his head. "I could dance with you,"

"I wasn't dancing-"

Mako gently took her hands in his and let his hand rest on her waist, and hers shakily made its way to his shoulder, while their other hands met.

Korra looked away, pouting as he rocked back and forth, before turning and rotating around her bedroom. "You're a pretty good dancer," Mako whispered as their foreheads rested against each other.

"I wasn't dancing..."

"Don't deny it." Mako chuckled at her and kissed her nose, before he dipped her gently and picked her up, twirling her before swooping her back in their position.

Korra smiled shyly as he kissed her hand before twirling her so that her back was pressed against him, and both their arms met around her body, and she rested her head on his chest.

"You're a good dancer, City Boy." Korra murmured, grinning.

"So we were dancing," Mako winked.

She glared up before kissing the underside of his chin. "You better keep this to the two of us,"

"Of course."

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