(NC-17) Morning Senses (Makorra)

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A/N: I don't think my apologies can make up for my absence anymore -_-' but I've been so caught up in life lately...and now I'm being sent on a year end trip for a few days, which doesn't help anything :/ plus, my writers block has been a pest. But here I am, with a mind containing ideas for this smutty one shot that you guys have been waiting for two months. :) (but the context is slightly unrealistic in terms of smex lol)

Summary: It was like a game. No matter how many times he brushed her skin, he had to make sure that her eyes stayed shut.

Word Count: 1937 words


Golden eyes cracked open, eyelids slightly heavy as the light of the early morning made him dizzy. Mako closed his eyes, before opening them again, and blinked rapidly.
Rubbing his face, he took into consideration the beautiful girl beside him. Her back was pressed up against his bare chest, as she was wearing his oversized tank top as a sleep shirt.

He lifted a pale hand and brushed her cheek. She looked like an angel as she slept-cheesy, but it was true,-and he decided not to ruin such a sight.

Kissing the curve of her brow, he soundlessly slid out from under the covers and trekked to their washroom, dousing his face and shaving. He kept an eye on his lover, still asleep in their bed. He smiled, and rinsed the excess off his face.

Quietly shutting off the tap and their washroom door, he bit back a smile as he rested back beside her, and this time she shifted, turning over to face him.

Startled, Mako nearly thought she was awake. But no, she was still breathing softly, eyes very well shut. Suddenly, a wave of heat burned through him. That sleep shirt of hers- the strap was loose as it was perched down her arm, revealing the enticing skin of her shoulder.

And the bottom hem of his shirt had ridden up her mocha legs and rested on her waist, revealing parts that Mako didn't dare to stare at. It was silent, nobody was around to see this. The curtains were drawn, but light still leaked in. Blushing, Mako brushed her hips and gently drew the shirt back down.

But that just dragged the strap even lower, damn science and physics or matter or whatever it is that caused his shirt to be his worst enemy at the moment.

And what made the situation even more unbearable-Korra unconsciously cuddled into him, slightly resting on her back so her chest pressed against him. Mako turned beet red. She murmured-whined-something under her breath. It was his name, utterly breathy and full of innocent, sheepish and unconscious admiration.

Mako felt a certain limb awakening in his nether regions.

Sitting up, the firebender caressed her legs, almost massaging them sensually. He glanced back up at her. A small part of him hoped that she wouldn't wake up until after his little expedition.

'Let's see how much I can do before she wakes up.' Mako thought. He silently berated himself for thinking like such a creep, but continued anyway. Korra liked exciting and risky things, right?

He adjusted her so that her arms were uncovering her body, and her head was still comfortable against the pillow. Mako nipped her earlobe as he dragged the tank top's straps down her slender arms, revealing her shapely breasts to him. He paused, slightly aroused at the fact that she was exposed so openly, and only he could witness it.

Her breathing shortened, as he fondled the plump skin. Mako watched carefully as he closed his mouth on one of her nipples, and was even more interested when a small blush dusted her cheeks.

He suckled gently, feeling the erect peak on his tongue. Then, he switched, and nipped lightly at her bud. His hand idly squeezed the other one, and his erection heightened when a tiny mewl slipped past her lips. Korra turned her head, breathing even more heavily-but surprisingly didn't make too much of a fuss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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