Why (Makorra)

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Summary: Mako brings up Korra's secret letters to Asami. Turns into a heartfelt discussion.

The thought hadn't occurred until he was thinking about sending a letter to Bolin.

He saw his stationary kit stuffed in his desk, and suddenly he was reminded of someone else's letters.

Then, he discovered a letter in the pile of papers. It was a messy draft of one letter, and he frowned. It was written for Korra. But she wouldn't have replied anyway.

So, he pondered on whether or not he should give her the forgotten half-written letter.

Mako knew Korra was resting in her room, and the next thing he knew, his feet carried him to her door.

"Um," Mako knocked gently, his heart beating wildly. "Korra?"

And then her sweet voice came, muffled. "Yeah? Mako?"

"Can I come in?"

"Of course,"

Mako slid the door open and Korra was there, stroking Naga's fur as she rested on the floor. "Hey,"

Korra beamed up at her close friend. "Hi, Mako."

"I just uh..." Mako suddenly felt at a loss for words. He gripped the paper in sweaty palms.

Korra raised and eyebrow, slowing down the pets on Naga's back. "You...?" A small smile played at her lips.

"I...just found this letter at my desk, a-and it was supposed to be for you, but somehow it got lost and here it is," Mako rambled. "I thought you might...y-y'know, want it, just to read my failure in writing and-"

Korra raised a hand, chuckling. "Okay, officer. I'll read it later. But you know I don't need to reply to you, right?"

Mako blushed, remembering how she never wrote him back anyway. "Like you didn't reply when you were gone," He murmured.

He really did not intend for Korra to hear his little self-grumble, but she did. And then she sadly, almost guiltily peered up at him. Almost hypnotized, Mako knelt and watched her reaction.

"You still didn't tell me why." Mako gently prodded, in a soft whisper.


"You never answered one of my letters."

Korra sighed. "I know. It was a bad choice, but I really didn't feel like replying."

Apparently Mako took her response the wrong way, due to the way his eyebrows drew in and his eyes grew unreadable. "But you felt like writing to Asami. You couldn't even say hi to us through her? You couldn't bother saying hello?"

Korra opened her mouth, but her throat felt tight and her face felt hot, and she closed it again, as Mako continued. "You didn't even want me and Bolin to know you wrote Asami."

Korra felt her hand slide off Naga's fur and she gathered both in her lap. She nodded. She wasn't going to deny it.

"I'm not angry though. I want to know why." He repeated.

Korra snapped her head up. "You want to know why I didn't write you?"

"Please," Mako replied with equal firmness. "Entice me with your reasons."

Korra felt frustrated tears gather in her eyelids, and she bore her stare into his melting, colored eyes. "I didn't write you because all my burdens would hurt you! All the things I wrote to Asami were my progress and falls during my healing! Would you really want to hear all that?!"

"I would've liked to know if you were doing alright," Mako pressed, feeling his temper wash over.

"Well guess what," she said sourly. "I wasn't alright. Okay? And I know you well enough that you would worry so much, that you would keep asking questions when I just wanted to rest!"

"Forgive me, for caring!" Mako shot back.

"You care too much!"

"Would you rather I not care at all?"

"Sometimes, when people need their alone time, they really do want to be left by themselves. Mako, I really didn't want to hurt you, but I wanted your life to be worry free. You would've spent three years worrying if I told you everything!"

"Three years is worth the worry!"

"Why?!" Korra slammed her fist on the ground. "Why can't you just-" She sobbed.

"It's because I love you! Okay?! I'll say it straight, I still love you and I care about you more than anything! It's not wrong to care about people you love, is it not?"

Korra raised her voice to begin another statement, before his words slowly sunk into her conscience. 'I still love you and I care about you more than anything!'

She didn't realize that small tears dripped down her blushing cheeks and she frustratedly wiped them away. "Mako,"

Mako reached for her wrists and directed her to look at him. "I just wanted to know one thing when you were away. I was worried sick-"

"I love you." Korra whimpered. "It's been years, but I wouldn't lie when it comes to this. The thing is...I don't know if I'm ready."

Mako held her hands.

"I was scared to write you. I was afraid what you were going to say," her voice had a soft whine.

He merely cupped her cheeks, wiping her tears away. "I'm not expecting us to jump into a relationship right away. But...I want you to trust me."

It was no question for Korra. "I do trust you." She explained honestly. "I always have."

Mako smiled, and she felt her chest tighten at his gentle expression. "Good. Then that, can be our start."

Korra embraced him, closing her eyes.

And she realized, there was no questioning their relationship to come.

There was no what, there was no how.

There was no who, and there was no why.

Because they were meant for each other.


'Look. I really like you, and I think we were meant for each other,'

'And I realized...I love you, Korra.'

A/N: *hides face* this oneshot is a mess ignore all the weirdness it has no structure whatsoever :(

Oh well I hope y'all enjoy it anyway.
I just want to say I really appreciate all the comments and votes I'm getting!

It's not just popularity because I dont care how popular or lame my story gets. All your comments make my day, especially you frequent commenters. YOU GUYS KNOW WHO YOU ARE! :) <3

My chapter is finished and will be up a bit after this. I'm sorry if the chapter may appear not as impressive but...enjoy it when I post it, I guess ^_^


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