Under the Stars (Makorra)

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A/N: important authors note at end of the story ^_^
And the seats in the restaurant are from the ones in episode 7 'The Reunion'.

Summary: Mako and Korra's first kiss after three years of being apart.


'This is all Wu's fault,' Mako thought frustratedly as Korra slipped her arm in his.

"Ready to go?" Korra beamed up at him.

Mako grumbled, a small blush on his face. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Korra giggled. "Stop being so miserable. I'm grateful for the reservation Wu made."

Mako pouted and Korra frowned, mimicking him before laughing again. "C'mon. Don't be so grumpy. Would you rather me go out with your prince instead?" Korra teased.

Mako furrowed his eyebrows as they rounded a corner on the block. "...no."

"Then enjoy this," Korra inched closer to the firebender, and he blushed more.

'She doesn't know how difficult she's making this,' Mako glanced at the Avatar, clad in a shimmery navy dress that matched her leather flats.

She was such a beauty.

"We're here!" Korra grinned. "I hope we can actually eat. Last time, when I came here, we barely ate because Wu went missing. Remember?"

'That was a week ago, Korra. I was partially traumatized,' Mako thought.

They entered, and a man showed up, in a shiny black suit and his hair slicked back.

"Ah! Avatar Korra! Officer Mako!"

"Hello," They both said in unison.

The man bowed at a 90 degree angle, and gave a spritz of perfume in front of the couple, prompting them to wince and cough.

"Now, follow me please." He pivoted on his heel and strutted into the main doors, and Korra led Mako with her.

Classy music played, and formal-dressed people dined respectfully, chatter heard from left and right.
The man brought them to a cozy booth, lit by a glowing candle and an electrical lantern hung above the polished table.

"Have a seat," He gestured. Korra slid in the middle of the seat and Mako went beside her.

He handed the couple a menu, between them.

"Enjoy, and flag one of our waiters down when you have made your choice." He bowed again, and strutted off.


To Korra's dismay, seaweed noodles weren't an option on the menu.

Mako ordered a seafood salad with shrimp-stirfry.

Korra, who was at a loss at what to order, and bugged Mako into sharing his stir fry.
Although she nearly squirted lime in his eye, and almost spilled their fizzy-cucumber beverages, the night had went according to schedule.

It reminded her of the times when they used to go out, to Narook's or even just the park. Nostalgia buzzed in her as she pondered about their past events.

Mako opted to pay the bill, and she couldn't help but feel guilty at the immense amount of yuans he had to give.

Then, Mako stretched and stood up. "I think it's time for us to go."

Korra nodded and gulped down the last of her fizzy drink before taking Mako's hand and standing with him.

Reaching the busy streets, Korra let out a burp which made the firebender flinch. She stared back, blushing. "I couldn't burp in that restaurant with all those rich people," Korra muttered an excuse.

Mako laughed, and she hooked arms with him once again.

The sidewalks and roads shone and glistened with rainwater, and the air was cool and refreshing. "Wanna walk to the docks? Or should I get us a cab?" Mako asked.

Korra yawned. "SatoCab, please."

Mako waited at the edge of the road until the vehicle pulled up.
He pulled the door open for Korra. "What a gentleman,"

Mako grinned, before climbing in after her. "Take us to the ferry docks please,"

The taxi driver nodded lazily, driving leisurely away from the busy areas.

"I really liked this." Korra whispered, leaning on Mako's shoulder. "We should do this again."

Mako blushed and moved into her touch. "Yeah. We should. It's been a while hasn't it?"

Korra hummed lightly, gazing outside of the window, water droplets glistening on the transparent surface.

A sharp stop jerked her out of her day dreaming.

Mako slid his arm out of her grip and handed a wad of yuans to the driver. "Thanks."

As Korra opened the door, she swore she heard the driver say, "Don't get too rowdy, lovebirds," and she scurried out with a blush on her face.

The moon was out, and Korra bathed in its glow. Mako smiled. "You okay?"

She suddenly realized she was being too expressive about the setting. "I-I'm okay."

Mako chuckled when her face reddened and she huffed.

"You know...did I ever tell you that haircut really suits you?" Mako said.

Her face was more than red. It was probably deep, fire engine crimson.

"Oh...no you haven't, but thanks." Korra fidgeted.

'Why am I feeling so shy?!' Korra nervously balanced on the balls of her feet, awaiting his next comment.

"Yeah, I mean," Mako brushed a lock behind her ear. "It frames your face...you look pretty like this," He moved another strand behind her ear and laughed at her reaction.

"Shut up," Korra pouted.

'She's still the same,'

The ferry was still far away, and Mako suddenly cupped her cheeks with his hands and pressed his lips against hers, startling her and she pulled away.

"M-Mako," Korra was utterly embarrassed-why hadn't she seen this coming?

"Sorry," Mako flushed red.

"No, don't be...I've been waiting for that." Korra couldn't find herself to look at his eyes.

Mako tipped her chin up and gave a reassuring, yet nervous smile.
Korra felt her tension dissolve, and she gazed at the man who stole her heart.

"I missed this." Korra murmured. "I missed you." She gave a small hushed confession of three words and their lips met.

It seemed to last forever-but it was finished. The feelings had seemed to wash over, and Korra gazed up at him, grinning.

The horn of the ferry shocked them both, flinching at the noise.

Collapsing into a fit of laughter, Korra kissed his nose, before she laced fingers with his, feeling a surge of warmth.

"We should definitely go again," Korra giggled. "Be sure to say thank you to Wu,"

Mako decided to do that later. "Alright, alright."

She was always right.


A/N: sorry if this was rushed ^_^ i swear im near to finish that chapter for the other story!!!

Here's the golden question for you all: Should I post a rated NC-17/M one-shot?
And by that i mean smutttttttt

Answer in the comments below :)


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