A Healer's Job (Makorra)

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Modern AU with Bending


Being part of a mass raid in one of the underground hideouts, along with the endless population of ruthless gangs, it was easy to get swept up in their force and sheer power.

That's why Mako-along with about ten other officers-were sent to the medical tents immediately.

"Officer Mako, did you men manage to reach the inner chamber of the gang's leader?" His chief stepped in, a bandage on her hand.

"No, Chief. The doors are blockaded with their henchmen." Mako frowned, gripping his charred, bloodied arm.

"I see." Lin bowed her head. "A healer will see and tend to your wounds. I expect you to stay put like all the other injured officers, while I call the back up. Is that understood?"

"Yes, chief." Mako sighed.

She exited the shaded tent, and he watched as nurses and doctors were bending over injured compadres, as more people entered and exited the tent each passing minute.

"Hey, Officer Mako," A hand waves in front of his hazy vision.

He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced up, seeing a woman staring down at him.

Just as he began to sit up, her shockingly firm arms shoved him back down, making his impending headache pound at his temples. Some nurse she was.

"No moving until I say so. I need you to sit still as I work on your open wound." She ordered. He sighed, and tried to relax to the best of his ability.

He winced as she hauled a tub of clear water, and he winced as she placed pressure onto his shoulder wound as she carefully cut his shirt open with a small blade. "You officers and your thick layers," She wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead with her wrist. "This is why some of you make it out barely alive, you just gotta pack tons of clothes onto your bodies."

Mako merely humphed at her quip, and she flashed him a smile. "I'm just joking. I already got your overcoat out of the way."

He felt the air hit the gash on his abdomen, and suddenly he was tense at the thought of someone touching the tender, raw flesh there. The healer took out a cloth, and rather quickly wiped up the major traces of blood around his wound, and he bit back a cry as she swiped some stinging liquid-disinfectant?-onto the crevice of the cut, and he felt a groan rumble in his throat. She hummed in satisfaction.

"That hurt like hell," He mustered out, and she scoffed.

"Don't worry, the worst part is over. I didn't think you would react to this,"

She repeated her ministrations onto his lesser shoulder wound, and he shut his eyes, blocking out the light-headed sensation he was enduring.

Then, she dipped her hand into the tub of water, and he could see the fluid glowing against the flat of her palm through his bleary vision. "If you think I'm going to hurt you while trying to heal you, you're dead wrong." She smiled softly, proud demeanour fading away. "I'm not an amateur, Officer Mako, you really are in safe hands."

As the cool water hit his abdomen, he inhaled sharply, the feeling of his cells regenerating and his tissue healing overwhelming his senses.

Mako gazed up to see her eyes concentrated on the water. The properties of her water was being manipulated to refresh and disinfect his gash, as well as undo a majority of the damage. She was amazing.

Soon, she let her hands arise from his body, and she placed the blood stained water into the basin and left. He attempted sitting up in her absence, but he felt his nerves spike and he collapsed back down, eyes shut.

He hears her footsteps among the clamour and she places her water infused palms on his partially healed wound, and relief soon flooded his senses.

"I'll bandage you up." She said.

Mako felt her sturdy hands push up his back, and he supported himself on his elbow, watching her wind tight bandages over the gash. It's old, bloody state was reduced to a rose-tinged scar, as the surface had been smoothed over.

"Thank you." Mako murmured, giving her the best grin he could in his state.

He noticed the blue-eyes nurse blush slightly, before she placed her hand on his. "You're welcome. I'll be watching over you for the next stages of your recovery."

"Wait," Mako gazed up at her. "What's your name?"

"Why do you want know?" She cocked her head, innocence spread all over her features.

"Is there anything wrong with wanting to know the name of an amazing woman that healed my serious injuries?"

She blushed harder, smirking. "No, but is there anything wrong with the fact that an officer is flirting with me?" She joked lightly.

Mako rolled his eyes, and she giggled under her breath. She let her hand on his trail to his shoulder, as she eased hum back down. "My name's Korra."

Mako reached for her wrist and squeezed it. "Thank you, Korra."

For some reason, hearing those words coming out of his mouth made her heart leap. Even though she had known this guy for the past 45 minutes, she desired to know him more.

"Maybe when you're feeling up to it, I want to take you out. As my token of gratitude." Mako spoke up.

'Was he reading my mind?' Korra froze.

"Gratitude?" She quirked a smile. "I don't need such a thing. I would help you anytime,"

Mako had no control over words...but he was glad that his instinct was taking over for once. She was one of a kind. "But what if I wanted to know you? Think of it as a date?"

She sat on the edge of the table and placed a gentle hand on his knee. "You are quite the mysterious figure, Mako." Korra laughed. "I'll take you up on that date. You should be recovering at the minimum of three more days. Your system still needs adjusting after such events as tonight."

Mako took it as a yes. "So three days from now...wanna go to Narook's on Saturday?"

She felt drawn to this alluring man. Maybe it was time she opened her bonds. "Of course. Don't keep me waiting," She winked.

He closed his eyes, a faint smile on his face. "I won't."


A/N: aaaalright about the Makorra family some of you wanted...that might have to wait o_O

I'm trying to focus on my other story, and the family oneshot is something I want to put a bit more effort in. But do you guys have any suggestions on what it should be about? If you do, don't be shy to comment in the comment section below ^_^

Enjoy :)


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